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20 <br /> Article 61. To see if the Town will vote to amend the <br /> Zoning By-Laws by inserting the following sub-paragraph <br /> at the end of paragraph "F": <br /> "F" V. CLUSTER ZONING DISTRICT <br /> (1) If a plan of land, containing 100 or more acres in <br /> a single parcel or contiguous parcels (disregarding streets, <br /> public or private easements, and creeks or other natural bar- <br /> riers), of which not less than 60 acres is registered land, is <br /> submitted to the Board of Appeals upon petition under Sec- <br /> tion 9.3; if the Board finds that development of the land <br /> shown on the plan on the cluster zoning principle will ful- <br /> fill.the spirit and intent of this By-Law without substantial <br /> detriment to the public good; and if a portion of the reg- <br /> istered land, sufficient to constitute a dominant tenement, is <br /> deeded to the Town of Mashpee by a deed which states <br /> that the land thereby conveyed is benefited by restrictions <br /> imposed thereby upon all of the land shown on such plan, <br /> which restrictions: (i) run, with respect to their burden, <br /> with all of the land shown on such plan; (ii) are noted on or <br /> in the certificate or certificates of title to the registered por- <br /> tions of such land; (iii) have astated duration of not less <br /> than the maximum period permitted by Section 27 of Chap- <br /> ter 184 of the General Laws of The Commonwealth of Massa- <br /> chusetts; (iv) contain the provisions for extension described <br /> in said section; and (v) have the effect, when considered in <br /> the aggregate, of: <br /> (a) Permitting no more than three dwelling <br /> units times the number of acres of registered land, <br /> and <br /> (b) Permitting no more than 870 square feet of <br /> area (including in such computation the sum of the <br /> floor areas of any building but excluding customer <br /> parking areas) times the number of acres of reg- <br /> istered land to be devoted to commercial uses, other <br /> than recreational uses. <br />