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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> SENIOR CENTER BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes of the Meeting of January 30, 2002 <br /> Attendees: Also Present: <br /> Iry Goldberg Irene Farwell <br /> Ed Adams Louise McNutt <br /> Betty Nichols Aurora Bird <br /> Jean Noussee James Long <br /> Marty Henry Mart Sapers <br /> Art Weinstein Mike Bailey(Mashpee Enterprise) <br /> Chairman Irving Goldberg called the meeting to order at 1:40 PM. A correction to the 1/09/02 <br /> minutes was noted: page 2, item 7, last line should read"Access by the Fire Station". The <br /> minutes were then approved as corrected. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Iry Goldberg stated that on 01/15/02, the Committee visited several available building sites. As a <br /> result of these visits,the Committee selected two sites for final consideration: the land behind the <br /> Fire Station, and the existing Senior Center location. Layouts of these two sites were distributed <br /> to the meeting attendees. <br /> Discussion followed concerning the pros and cons of each. Selectman Wayne Taylor, who was <br /> unable to attend this meeting, recommended the Fire Station site as a preferable choice over the <br /> existing Senior Center site. The existing site is cramped, and does not allow adequate room for <br /> future expansion. After considering all points brought up, the Chairman took a poll from the <br /> Committee. The vote was five to two in favor of selecting the site behind the Fire Station. It was <br /> agreed by the Committee that the site behind the Fire Station would be the new location for the <br /> Senior Center. <br /> The Committee offered comments on their visits to the Orleans, Yarmouth and Hyannis Senior <br /> Centers on 01/23/02. It was noted that all the reception areas had a high noise level. The <br /> Yarmouth Center reception area had a unique feature of a dividing wall, which had the effect of <br /> creating a small meeting area set apart from the rest of the room, for use by individuals, or a <br /> small group. <br /> The Committee agreed to meet on 02/04/02 at the Mashpee Senior Center at 12:30 PM to travel <br /> to the Middleboro and Duxbury Senior Centers. It was decided to exclude the Westwood Center <br /> from the list of Centers to be visited,,citing the long distance as well as small size of the Center. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> RFP. The Town has provided a standard RFP (attachment 1)for our use. It was modified to <br /> include space requirements as well as a layout of the site. The RFP will be given to the Mashpee <br /> Town Administrator to put through Legal, then to the Selectmen's meeting for review and <br /> approval on Monday, Feb. 4th. <br /> Bidders'Conference is targeted for Tuesday, Feb. 12th to respond to any and all questions from <br /> Bidders to the RFP if required. <br /> Abutters Meeting. A letter will be sent to all Abutters to our selected site requesting a meeting to <br /> discuss any issues that may surface as a result of the new Senior Center locale. Iry Goldberg will <br /> coordinate with the Selectmen's Office to prepare this letter. <br />