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P <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> APRIL 9, 1996 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts, Paul Reynolds <br /> Also Present: Wayne Duchemin, ED Coordinator <br /> Steve Kyros, Gloria Dube <br /> Tom Potts noted the lack of quorum most likely due to the <br /> prevailing snow storm. Steve Innis was telephoned to partake <br /> in an important vote. A motion was made to write a <br /> recommendation to the Selectmen to approve Gloria Dube as an <br /> EDC alternate. Steve seconded. Unanimous. <br /> Tom Potts gave an overview of EDC' s formation to the new <br /> alternate members. <br /> EDC will meet at the Middle School next week, room location <br /> to be announced. <br /> Wayne reported that the Chamber of Commerce used the "Mashpee <br /> Welcomes Businesss/Industry" . Wayne made 180 copies of the <br /> Employment Pool which will be included in the Chamber' s mailing. <br /> The 99 Restaurant letter has been sent, and Wayne will follow <br /> up. Paul Reynolds stated the Selectmen voted to give the Chamber <br /> $4, 000 to promote tourism. <br /> Wayne met with Frank O'Neill of Boston Real Estate Partners <br /> who has been hired by Augat to market the building. Wayne <br /> learned the following from this meeting: <br /> - They do not have a set marketing plan. <br /> - They plan to advertise through the Boston Journal. <br /> - They are preparing a brochure which is due out in three weeks. <br /> - They have a 6-9 month contract. <br /> - They are open to co-brokering. <br /> - They will concentrate on individual use rather than alternative <br /> use. <br /> - They want a strong lead from us. <br /> Wayne reviewed the Compiler' s marketing phone list, and he would <br /> like EDC to review and widdle the list down to the top dozen <br /> companies to target and market Augat. Tom suggested making <br /> new copies of the List so EDC can highlight their choices. <br /> Wayne would also like to contact individual brokers. Steve <br /> Kyros suggested putting an ad in the New England Real Estate <br /> Journal, and also look through the Journal to see who the major <br /> brokers of Industrial property are. Mr. Kyros offered to help <br /> create a fact sheet with a map to mail out to every one of these <br /> major brokers. Wayne will contact Jamie Regan to get the <br /> Journal, and also Frank O'Neill to change the address of Augat <br /> to Route 28 and include a map with the brochure. <br />