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SECTION 6.(a) No economic development project shall be undertaken until (1) a public <br /> hearing relating to the town's economic development plans covering the project has been <br /> held by the corporation after due notice; (2)the town's economic development plans have <br /> been approved by an affirmative 2/3 vote of an annual town meeting or a special town <br /> meeting called for the purpose by the town. If an economic development project covered <br /> by the plans is not commenced within 7 years after the approval of the plans,the approval <br /> of the plans shall lapse. <br /> (b)Every economic development plan submitted to town meeting for approval under this <br /> act(i) shall require that every person occupying the whole or any part of the economic <br /> development area shall make every reasonable effort, in employing persons in his <br /> business,to give to the fullest practicable extent preference to residents of the town and <br /> (ii) shall be accompanied by a report on the plan by the planning board of the town to <br /> whom the plan shall have been submitted before its submission to town meeting,by a <br /> statement of the proposed method for financing each project covered by the plan, by a <br /> comprehensive relocation plan and by such other information as the corporation <br /> considers advisable. <br /> (c)Notice of the public hearing required by subsection(a) shall be given by the <br /> corporation to(1)persons, groups and organizations as have requested in writing that <br /> notice be given them, (2)MOBD and the director and any agency, whether of the town or <br /> of the commonwealth,likely in the judgment of the corporation to have an actual or <br /> potential interest in the economic development plan, (3)the senator for every senatorial <br /> district of the commonwealth, and the representative for every representative district <br /> thereof,within which the economic development area or any part thereof lies, and(4) <br /> each community group supported in whole or in part by public funds, whose territory <br /> covers all or part of the economic development area. <br /> (d) If an economic development plan is so approved by town meeting,the corporation <br /> shall have the powers and duties imposed by this act to undertake and carry out the <br /> economic development projects covered by the plan. The corporation shall not be <br /> required to submit an economic development plan so approved to MOBD for further <br /> approval.. <br /> SECTION 7.Except as provided herein,rents and charges for services or facilities <br /> furnished or supplied by the corporation shall not be subject to supervision or regulation <br /> by any department, division, commission,board,bureau or agency of the commonwealth <br /> or the town. If such rents and charges are derived from a project in connection with <br /> which revenue bonds have been issued,they shall, with all other revenues derived from <br /> the project, except the part thereof necessary to pay the cost of maintenance,repair and <br /> operation provide such reserves therefor as provided for in the resolution <br /> authorizing the issuance of the bonds or in the trust agreement, but including the part <br /> thereof necessary to provide such reserves for the payment of the principal of and the <br /> interest on the revenue bonds as provided for in the resolution or trust agreement, and <br /> including also use proceeds of any and all sales by the corporation of property within the <br /> project area,be set aside at the regular intervals provided for in the resolution or trust <br />