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2012 AUGUST-MASHPEE EDIC Plan for Executive Park
Town Clerk
2012 AUGUST-MASHPEE EDIC Plan for Executive Park
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Last modified
12/1/2016 10:59:39 PM
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11/17/2016 3:50:45 PM
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i <br /> SECTION 10. To provide funds for the general purposes of the corporation, including <br /> working capital, the corporation may from time to time issue debentures; but the <br /> debentures outstanding at any one time shall not exceed $5,000,000 unless specifically <br /> approved by the director. The debentures, unless otherwise authorized by law, shall not <br /> constitute a debt of the commonwealth or of the town of Mashpee or a pledge of the faith <br /> and credit of the commonwealth or of the town of Mashpee and shall be subordinated to <br /> all other obligations of the corporation and shall be payable at the time or times and in the <br /> installments, if any, as the corporation shall determine,but solely out of the net assets of <br /> the corporation; and the holders thereof shall be entitled to interest thereon but only out <br /> of the net earnings of the corporation, and in no event at a rate higher than the rate <br /> specified therein. <br /> The debentures may be secured by a trust agreement by and between the'corporation and <br /> a corporate trustee,which shall be located within the commonwealth and shall be a trust <br /> company or bank having the powers of a trust company. The trust agreement shall <br /> contain provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the debenture <br /> holders as may be reasonable and proper and not in violation of law. It shall be lawful for <br /> any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the commonwealth which may <br /> act as depository under the trust agreement to furnish indemnifying bonds or to pledge <br /> securities as may be required by the corporation. The trust agreement shall set forth the <br /> rights and remedies of the debenture holders and of the trustee, and may restrict the <br /> individual right of action by debenture holders. In addition to the foregoing,the trust <br /> agreement may contain other provisions as the corporation may consider reasonable and <br /> proper for the security of the debenture holders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the <br /> trust agreement may be treated as an item of current expense. <br /> Debentures may be issued under this act without obtaining the consent of any department, <br /> division, commission,board, bureau or agency of the commonwealth or the town of <br /> Mashpee and without any other proceedings or the happening of any other condition or <br /> things other than those proceedings, conditions, or things which are specifically required <br /> by this act. <br /> SECTION 11.The town may raise and appropriate or may borrow, or may agree with <br /> the corporation or with the federal government or the commonwealth to raise and <br /> appropriate and to borrow, in aid of the corporation,sums necessary to carry out the <br /> purpose and powers of the corporation including defraying part of the development, <br /> acquisition and operating costs of any project. Indebtedness of the town authorized under <br /> this section shall be outside the limit of indebtedness prescribed in section 10 of chanter <br /> 44 of the General Laws and shall be payable within 20 years and otherwise subject to <br /> sections 16 to 27, inclusive, of said chapter 44;but the sole amount of indebtedness of the <br /> town, outstanding at any one time under this section and clauses (1), (2), and(4) of <br /> section 20 of chanter 121B of the General Laws shall not exceed 5 per cent of the town <br /> equalized valuation as defined in section 1 of said chapter 44. Indebtedness incurred <br /> under this act shall also be subject to approval under section 22 of said chapter 121B in <br /> like manner as indebtedness incurred under said section 20. <br />
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