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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> February 11 , 1987 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> The difference between the $25 , 000 recommended and the $23 , 458 <br /> ( $1 , 542 ) was to be put in the Unclassified Category for those <br /> Boards that overspend . It was noted that this recommendation <br /> represented a 9 . 5% increase over the previous year . <br /> It was voted and Finance Committee members approved the <br /> Personnel budget with change to the Board Secretaries to $25 , 000 . <br /> A representative of the Civil Defense joined the meeting <br /> to explain his FY88 budget . Civil Defense explained the need <br /> for a 2 meter band radio to put the Civil Defense in communication <br /> with the rest of the town , this radio would be in operation in <br /> the Control Center . The training expense was earmarked for <br /> radiologic monitoring and the need for another telephone line <br /> stated . The Civil Defense requested Expense in the FY88 <br /> budget was $1 , 345 . Finance Committee members voted and <br /> recommended $1 , 200 for expense and the salary recommendation was <br /> $593 . <br /> David Ryan and two members of the Shellfish Commission joined <br /> the meeting to discuss the FY88 budget . The Finance Committee <br /> reviewed this budget from two sides - inside 22 and outside 212 . <br /> If there is no override the Constable position would be a half-time <br /> position . It was noted that the vehicle lease was deleted from <br /> the budget and moved into capital expenditures . The cost for the <br /> new equipment was deleted from the budget as an Article is to be <br /> submitted . The Constables salary was corrected to read $20 , 638 <br /> FY88 requested . The Finance Committe approved the Shellfish <br /> budget as follows : <br /> Inside 2; Outside 2; Total <br /> Constable Salary $10 , 000 $10 , 638 $20 , 638 <br /> Wages 2 , 800 2 , 800 <br /> Expense 4 , 244 750 4 , 994 <br /> Propagation 3 , 500 3 , 900 7 , 400 <br /> This means that if the override should go through the Constable <br /> position would be full time and the Shellfish Commission would <br /> receive the total figure requested in both expense and propagation . <br /> Three members from the Assessors Department joined the <br /> Finance Committee to review their FY88 budget . The Finance <br /> Committee had no questionsin regard to Assessors ' expenses <br /> which totaled $36 , 000 . It was noted that there is no Revaluation <br /> monev on the budget as it is an article . Also it was noted that <br /> there is no money for salary increases on the bud ,,et as this will <br /> also be included in an Article . Two corrections were made to <br />