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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> February 17 , 1987 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> Animal Control Officer , June Daley , joined the meeting to <br /> review the Animal Control FY88 Budget . The Finance Committee <br /> noted the correction to the Officer ' s salary to read $19 , 958 . <br /> June explained the $5 , 750 expense classification , M. S . P . C . A . <br /> & Temrock Kennels ; she noted that each unclaimed dog brought to <br /> the kennel costs $7 and each unclaimed cat $6 . She noted that <br /> it is difficult to estimate this expense , however , she felt that <br /> $5 , 750 would do it . She noted that the $250 for Vehicle Maintenance <br /> would cover the cost of a tune-up and standard maintenance . This <br /> is a lease vehicle , however , the town is responsible for the repairs . <br /> The Finance Committee voted and approved the Animal Control <br /> Budget as submitted : <br /> Salary $19 , 958 <br /> Expense 8 , 225 <br /> Officer Daley brought to the attention of the Finance Committee <br /> the fact that she had requested that the Board of Selectmen approve <br /> her Article for the Annual Town Meeting requesting the appropriation <br /> of funds to purchase a mobile radio and portable radio . She noted <br /> that she presently has no direct communication with police cruisers , <br /> all communication must ' go through the police station and that there <br /> are instances which require police backup . The Selectmen did not <br /> approve the Article for the Annual Town Meeting . <br /> Po Lice Chief , Curtis Frye , joined the meeting to review the <br /> FY88 Police Budget . Chief Frye expressed his concern over the <br /> PoL .ce Wage Account . His budget has r.e.quested $201 , 370 and the <br /> Executive Secretary is recommending $170 , 000 plus $17 , 924 if an <br /> override should pass . Frye noted that if this override should <br /> fail to pass he will not only lose four police officers but also <br /> money from the wage account . lie stated that he could live with <br /> last year ' s funded amount of $185 , 399 . If the override passes <br /> he will have $187 , 923 . The FY88 Budget has requested $421 , 764 <br /> for Police Officers ' Salaries . The recommendation is $336 , 854 <br /> and another $76 , 811 if the override passes . This figure of $76 , 811 <br /> represents the salary of 4 officers . It was noted that even with <br /> the override this account is cut $8 , 100 presumably the .clothing <br /> allowance . Chairman Blythe stated .that he would discuss this with <br /> Joseph Murphy . Frye stated that clothing is a contractual agree- <br /> ment . The Police Budget has requested $115 , 734 in Expenses , the <br /> recommendation was for $105 , 220 and if the override passes another <br /> $1 , 800 for expenses . Frye said he would try to live with this <br /> amount . Chairman Blythe stated that he would contact Chief Fyre <br /> regarding his budget after the Finance Committee had a chance to <br /> discuss it with the Executive Secretary . <br />