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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> March 3 , 1987 <br /> Page 4 . <br /> $4 , 500 to hire a temporary replacement for the Librarian while. she <br /> in on a three-month maternity leave . The Wage Account was approved . <br /> The Expense Account was approved as submitted . <br /> The Library budget was approved as follows : <br /> Salary $18 , 127 . 20 <br /> Wages 21 , 746 . 92 <br /> Expense 22 , 755 . 00 <br /> The Finance Committee discussed a memorandum received from <br /> Joseph Murphy regarding the guidelines for overnight stays . The <br /> Finance Committee members felt his guideline recommendations should <br /> be revised to read 50 miles rather than 25 miles . Thus the Finance <br /> Committee recommendations would be as follows : <br /> If a meeting , 50 miles from Town Hall , adjourns <br /> at 5 p . m , and resumes the following day , it is <br /> an authorized overnight stay . <br /> If a meeting , less than 50 miles from Town Hall , <br /> ends after 5 p . m . and is to resume the following <br /> day , there is no authorization . <br /> If a meeting , _ 50 miles from Town Hall , adjourns <br /> after 9 p . m. and does not resume the following <br /> day , an overnight stay is authorized . <br /> If a meeting that is less than 50 miles adjourns <br /> after 9 p . m. there is no authorization for an <br /> overnight stay . <br /> It was agreed by the Committee members to discuss this with <br /> Joe at the next meeting , March 4 , 1987 . <br /> On February 18 , 1987 the Finance Committee forwarded a <br /> Memorandum to the Board of Selectmen requesting that they reconsider <br /> the request of the Animal Control Officer to have an Article on <br /> the Annual Town Meeting Warrant for funds to purchase a new radio . <br /> This was done with the belief that this radio was a vital necessity <br /> for the safety of the Officer . The Executive Secretary corresponded <br /> to the Finance Committee , February 26 , noting that the issue had <br /> been discussed with the Police Chief and the Selectmen voted to <br /> include on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant the Article for funds <br /> to purchase a mobile and portable radio . <br /> Chairman Blythe informed the Committee members the Board of <br /> Assessors had had the 1985 growth figures certified and this would <br /> mean and additional $200 , 000 in allowable income . The Chairman <br /> noted that it was his recommendation that this money be put toward <br /> the purchase of DPW trucks rather than placed in the Reserve Fund . <br />