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Il I <br /> ob�tt of eta-0pet <br /> LOwn ball <br /> ±RashpPr. Mass. Q_' G�9 <br /> NCE COMMITTEE <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> Town Hall <br /> February 4 , 1987 <br /> Present : Finance Committee members , Frederic Blythe , Edward <br /> Dolan , Carol Dunivan , Carl Heller , Joyce Howell , <br /> Lou Hronek , and William Towner <br /> The meeting commenced at 6 p . m. with Vern Polka , Town <br /> Accountant and Joseph Murphy , Executive Secretary , joining the <br /> meeting . <br /> Chairman Blythe informed Executive Secretary Murphy of <br /> the Finance Committee ' s desire to establish policv guidelines <br /> for overnight stays . The Committee feels there should be no <br /> overnight stays less than 100 miles from the town . All over- <br /> night stays less than 100 miles from the town must be approved <br /> prior to the trip by the Chief Financial Planner . All requests <br /> Eor overnight stays must come from the Department Head . A <br /> letter to this effect will be forwarded to the Selectmen and <br /> 'sir . Murphy seeking their concurrence with this policy . If this <br /> be the case all Department Heads will be notified of this policy . <br /> The Finance Committee expressed their concerns regarding <br /> the take over of private roads by the town . The Executive <br /> Secretary stated that it was his belief that it just had to be <br /> done . The DPW budget is increasing annually and he feels that <br /> the DPW will take care of the road maintenance . Murphy expressed <br /> his feeling that there is no viable alternative - they must be <br /> dealt with . Murphy stated that private roads in disrepair are <br /> costing the town , i . e . , complaints have to be investigated , <br /> and there are equipment breakdowns due to poor roads when they <br /> are being sanded and plowed . So even at this point the town is <br /> expending money on poorly maintained private roads . He noted <br /> that roads must meet sub-division control standards prior to <br /> acceptance , once it is brought up to code and accepted it is the <br /> town ' s responsibility . Finance Committee expressed that they <br /> still had concerns about maintenance in the future . <br /> The Executive Secretary proceeded to explain to Committee <br />' members why he believed the Assistant Town Planner position <br /> should be a line item in the budget . He explained that it was <br /> presented as an Article last year approved and is on-going this <br /> year . The town meeting agreed that this was to be a two-year <br /> contract - so why bring it back . The public gave indication <br />