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Members discussed the Year Round Education Seminar which Mr. <br /> Dunivan will be reporting back to FinComm about. Mr. Dunivan <br /> stated that although this trip is mainly a vacation for him, he <br /> would attend certain functions and with the help of his wife, a <br /> school committee member, would bring a report back to the Finance <br /> committee. Mr. Gallo stated that his opinion was that the FinComm <br /> did not need to be there. He felt that FinComm had nothing to do <br /> with the town's decision whether or not their would be year round <br /> education. He suggested that a more appropriate thing would be to <br /> have the school committee members who attend the seminars come into <br /> a Fincomm meeting and update the members. <br /> Members discussed the fact that Deirdre Greelish would be meeting <br /> with Dr. DeMoura regarding the school's computers. Mr. Dunivan <br /> stated that he had seen the letter which Ms. Greelish wrote to Dr. <br /> DeMoura and complimented her on her research of computer packages. <br /> He stated that Dr. DeMoura did agree to meet with Ms. Greelish but <br /> possibly had accepted the other computers already. Mr. Dunivan <br /> asked Mr. Ferriday to f ind out whether at the time of Ms. <br /> Greelish's meeting with Dr. DeMoura, there were computers already <br /> on the premises? <br /> Members mentioned the different dates and times that they would be <br /> meeting with their committees which they are liaisons to. <br /> Mr. Baker discussed a Land Bank Proposal , which he issued a copy <br /> of his proposal to each member. A copy is attached herewith. Mr. <br /> Goggin stated that he felt the proposal was great to promote <br /> conservation land, but adding all the other things to be funded is <br /> cluttering the proposal. Mr. Ferriday also suggested leaving out <br /> funding major things like the school department. Mr. Goggin felt <br /> that Mr. Baker was trying to stretch 2% to do too much. <br /> Ed Baker MOTIONED to request that the Board of Selectmen reserve a <br /> spot on the warrant subject of which will be a Real Estate Buyer's <br /> Transfer Fee. John Ferriday seconded the motion and members voted <br /> 6-0 in favor of this request. Mr. Baker mentioned that the warrant <br /> closes on February 1, 1993. <br /> Ed Baker MOTIONED to request the Board of Selectmen reserve a spot <br /> on the warrant to establish a reserve fund for prepaid betterment <br /> payments. Tony Gallo seconded the motion and members voted 6-0 in <br /> favor of this request. <br /> Ed Baker MOTIONED to request the Board of Selectmen reserve a <br /> location on the warrant to transfer prepaid betterment payments <br /> into the Stabilization Fund. John Ferriday seconded the motion and <br /> members voted 6-0 in favor of this request. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM. The next meeting will be on February <br /> 9, 1993 at 7:OOPM. Minutes submitted by Jean M. Mooney, Recording <br /> Secretary. <br /> 2_ <br />