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KASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 9, 1993 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7:15 PM <br /> Members Present: Deirdre Greelish, chairperson; Dan Goggin, Vice <br /> Chairperson; John Ferriday, and Ed Baker. <br /> Ed Baker MOTIONED to accept the Minutes of January 26, 1993. John <br /> Ferriday seconded the motion and members voted in acceptance of the <br /> Minutes 3-0, Deirdre Greelish abstaining. Denise Sulliivan� Roger <br /> Dunivan and Tony Gallo were not present. <br /> MINUTES <br /> Finance Committee members discussed how the committee planned to <br /> set aside the amount of money each department would receive. Mr. <br /> Ferriday mentioned that the committee could possibly compare <br /> Mashpee to other towns on the Cape that are similar in size, etc, <br /> and to see what that town spends on each category rather than going <br /> line by line through each department. Mr. Baker mentioned that <br /> there are just too many dif f erences when comparing Mashpee to other <br /> towns. Ms. Greelish stated that they needed to decide if they <br /> would use "broad brush or detail work" during budget preparation. <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that he f elt they did need to look at each <br /> departmentts line items. <br /> Mr. Ferriday mentioned that Mashpee is fourth on the Cape in total <br /> expenditures (big spenders per capita) . Ed Baker f elt that we <br /> needed to spend less this year than last year when we look at the <br /> annual plan. He f elt we needed to pinch pennies now to prevent <br /> predictions in the future of ten million required income. Deirdre <br /> Greelish stated that the committee did need to agree upon the <br /> amount of money that would come out of circulation with the Board <br /> of Selectmen. Mr. Baker stated that it did make sense to make <br /> pessimistic suggestions of local receipts. Deirdre stated that <br /> free cash cannot wind up unspent. Ed stated that if you drop local <br /> receipts by $150,000 then you saved that Amount. If you needed <br /> $150,000 then you would take it out of free cash. Mr. Baker felt <br /> that if you defer $150,000 by not putting it into anticipated <br /> income, there are less people screaming- to get their hands on it. <br /> Ed just felt that it would be better in the Stabilization Account <br /> rather than in free cash. His point was that local receipts should <br /> be reduced. He f elt that the money would not get to the <br /> Stabilization Account without reduction of local receipts. Stay <br /> with $1,700,000 rather than $1,825,000, which was the figure the <br /> Executive Secretary gave. MS. Greelish stated that 1. the <br /> committee needed to decide how to tackle the budget and 2. what is <br /> the figure to start working from. <br /> 7 Mem <br /> bers also questioned whether or not a FinComm member could sit <br />