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Page 4 <br /> The Committee spoke about the 53rd week. Mr. Goggin suggested that <br /> they should recommend bi-weekly payroll. Mr. Gallo thought this <br /> might not be acceptable because it looks as though the Town is <br /> holding onto employees' money an extra week. Mr. Goggin asked if <br /> the Committee should send a letter to the Selectmen, because this <br /> would save the Accounting Department some time by doing the payroll <br /> bi-weekly? They agreed. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Ms. Greelish also issued to Committee members a memo in which she <br /> drafted in regard to replacement of vehicles. The Committee agreed <br /> that the memo was excellent with just a wording change in the last <br /> paragraph and in the heading to read from the Finance Committee. <br /> John Ferriday MOTIONED that the letter be sent to both the Board of <br /> Selectmen and the newspapers with an appropriate change in the <br /> heading along with the list of vehicles which had accompanied the <br /> memo. <br /> Mr. Goggin requested that Ms. Greelish review with the Committee <br /> the initiatives of departments, as well as, new capital requests on <br /> their worksheet. Ms. Greelish explained the following under the <br /> initiatives column: Accounting $1,388 for clerk; Building <br /> Department $35,616 Asst. Inspector; Conservation $27 ,096 agent; <br /> Elections/Reg. $5,000 change in way that people are paid; <br /> Harbormaster $12 ,379 salary jump to full time; Health Dept. $8 ,059 <br /> clerk; Herring Warden $2,000 total increase for department; Leisure <br /> Service $2 ,500 grounds and maintenance; Personnel $43 ,482 director; <br /> Planning Dept. $13 ,301 Increase salary asst. planner; Selectmen <br /> $8,000 special events and education account; and Town Clerk $6,564 <br /> new wages. <br /> Under NEW capital requests are as follows: Assessors $5,225 <br /> furnishings; Building Dept. $795 typewriter; Conservation $20,000 <br /> bog and land maintenance; Fire $171,000 aerial ladder and utility <br /> truck; Leisure Services $3,650 computer; Appeals Board $700 file <br /> cabinet; and Police $27 ,456 communication equip. <br /> There was a question as to what is happening with the Shellfish <br /> Department's truck. <br /> The Committee spoke briefly again about salaries and how they <br /> should be preparing their recommendations. Mr. Ferriday added that <br /> if the town is revenue driven then this should drive the budgets. <br /> The budget should not be request driven. How much money the Town <br /> has should drive everything. He explained that of the 2 1/2% <br /> increase in revenues the Town receives, the Finance Committee <br /> wishes to take 1% off the top then it is the question as to how the <br /> 1 1/2% is divided? He felt that if the Committee could assume that <br /> last years budget was reasonable they wouldn't be involving <br /> themselves in managing each department by giving each them each <br />