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PERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MEETING OF JULY 31 , 1989 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following members of the Personnel Board were present: Chairman <br /> Robert W . �Sullivan , C . Ben Lofchie , Manuel' Gli_ckman ,, Leo Turo and <br /> Jane Stockbridge . <br /> Chairman Sullivan convened the meeting promptly at . 5 : 00 p .m . <br /> Personnel Board Minutes - f <br /> C . Ben Lofchie moved to accept the Personnel Board minutes of July 17 . <br /> Jane Stockbridge seconded . All in favor . , <br /> Processing Forms for School Department' Employees <br /> Chairman Sullivan explained to the Board that the Personnel Assistant <br /> had been helping. out the school department in processing forms for <br /> their employees . He explained that he sent a memo asking them to do <br /> the work and received a telephone call from the Superintendent and <br /> was advised that they would do it . The Superintendent , in turn , sent <br /> a memo to Mr . Nutting , who now wants a vote of the Personnel Board . <br /> Bob said, that he talked with Marjorie O' Brien , the Superintendent ' s <br /> secretary , and explained how to do the work to her . Bob indicated <br /> that he also calledtheChairman of the School Committee and told him <br /> that we cannot be doing the work for the school department . <br /> The Superintendent has now developed a new form . The Accountant and <br /> Assistant Treasurer both .said that the form looks okay for:.-,use and <br /> once the Treasurer returns from vacation , she will also review the form . <br /> A meeting has been called for Tuesday , however , Chairman Sullivan did <br /> not feel it was necessary for the Personnel Assistant to attend if all <br /> were in agreement with the new form . <br /> C . Ben Lofchie moved not to continue processing the forms for the school <br /> department . Manuel Glickman seconded . Jane''jStockbridge asked what forms <br /> they were referring to? Chairman Sullivan explained that they were W-4 <br /> forms , insurance papers , etc . All present were in favor . <br /> Evaluation of William Hauck <br /> The Board received and reviewed the annual evaluation of. the Assistant <br /> Building Inspector , William Hauck . Mr . Hauck was rated as an excellent <br /> worker . C . Ben Lofchie moved to accept the evaluation and grant a step <br /> increase . Manuel Glickman seconded . All in favor.. <br /> Memo from Police Chief re : Personnel Records <br /> The Board reviewed a memo from Chief Frye dated July 27 regarding <br /> removal of complaints against any police officer that have resulted in <br /> no disciplinary action in accordance with the current agreement between <br /> Local #389 IBPO and the Town of Mashpee ; Article XXX . Ben Lofchie asked <br /> that the Police Chief be contacted asking if that was a retro-active <br /> thing prior to the recent contract . Manuel Glickman said that if it <br /> applied to the past , the Board may want a legal decision on the removal <br /> of information,-:,from the personnel files . <br />