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PERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1991 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following members of the Mashpee Personnel Board were present for <br /> tonight ' s meeting : Chairman Robert W. Sullivan, C . Ben Lofchie, Jane <br /> Stockbridge and Rita Sousa. <br /> Chairman Sullivan convened the meeting at 6 : 15 p.m. <br /> PERSONNEL MINUTES <br /> Ben Lofchie asked that the Personnel Board minutes of October 21 be <br /> corrected to read that he did not make the motion to grant Jean Lundquist <br /> days from the P.A. P . Sick Bank. Ben commented that he thought Leo Turo <br /> made the motion. <br /> On Page 3 of the minutes, under Interview Rating Form; Rita asked that the <br /> minutes be corrected to read that these forms are written justification <br /> for not hiring someone as well as for hiring someone . She asked that the <br /> minutes also be corrected to state that she was nervous about a rating <br /> form that included personality and appearance . <br /> Upon making the above noted changes, Ben Lofchie moved to accept the <br /> minutes of October 21 . Jane Stockbridge seconded . All in favor . <br /> UPDATE OF P.A. P. <br /> In response to a notice to employees whose positions are classified under <br /> the P.A. P. that the Personnel Board would be conducting the annual review <br /> of the Plan, in attendance were : Amy Mosley and Paul Somerville . <br /> The Board reviewed a memo from Amy Mosley stating that she would like to <br /> see the Longevity Clause of the P .A . P. reviewed to bring it in line with <br /> the Clerical Union Contract . The Personnel Assistant provided Board <br /> members with a copy of the Longevity language from the Clerical Union <br /> contract . The Personnel Assistant pointed out that June Daley could not <br /> be in attendance; however, expressed concern over increasing Longevity <br /> when some positions were reduced in hours . The Board felt that this was <br /> dealing with two separate issues . After review and discussion, Ben <br /> Lofchie moved to change the dollar amounts under the Longevity clause to <br /> go along with the Clerical contract . Rita Sousa seconded . All were in <br /> agreement . Chairman Sullivan commented that recommendations for these <br /> changes should be sent to the Board of Selectmen. Jane Stockbridge agreed <br /> stating that town contracts have it folded into the budget . <br /> Amy Mosley asked the Board if they would petition the Selectmen to accept <br /> an article to increase Longevity . After some discussion, Ben Lofchie <br /> moved to form a petition if the Board ' s recommendation of increasing <br /> Longevity was not accepted by the Board of Selectmen . No second . Board <br /> members agreed that they would consider that as "Plan B" . <br /> Jane Stockbridge told the Board that as liaison to the Library, she had <br /> been requested by Helene DeFoe ( who could not be in attendance ) to discuss <br /> Longevity benefits for part-time employees on a pro-rated basis . Jane <br /> pointed out that there is language in the P. A . P . for a part-time employee <br /> shifting to full-time to receive Longevity by pro-rating the part-time <br />