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PERSONNEL BOARD MINUTES <br /> MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1991 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following Personnel Board members were present for tonight ' s <br /> meeting : Chairman Robert W. Sullivan, C. Ben Lofchie, Leo Turo, Jane <br /> Stockbridge and Rita Sousa. <br /> Chairman Sullivan convened the meeting at 6 : 05 p . m . <br /> The Personnel Board, along with the assistance of Police Sergeant <br /> Ethier, interviewed the following candidates for the position of <br /> Special Police Officer: Ralph Mahoney, Christopher Mason, Anthony <br /> Spagone, Howard Kelley, David Cody, Tim O ' Brien, and Scott Kessell . <br /> Chairman Sullivan had each candidate review the job description, <br /> advised them of the hourly rate of $ 10 . 66 and told them that the hours <br /> of the position would fluctuate and that the position was part-time <br /> year-round with no benefits . <br /> Each candidate ' s background was reviewed and questions were asked by <br /> the interviewing panel as to why they chose law enforcement as a <br /> career, what one needs to make a good police officer, to define what <br /> the spirit of the law and the letter of the law and what is selective <br /> law enforcement . <br /> At the conclusion of the interview process, the Personnel Assistant <br /> collected rating sheets of the panelists in order to tally the points . <br /> NOTE: The oral interview was the second part of the hiring process of <br /> an entry-level Special Police Officer. The written examination was <br /> administered on March 31 , 1990 . Ten candidates were contacted for the <br /> oral interviews -- seven of which responded . <br /> REJECTION LETTERS <br /> Ben Lofchie brought the subject of rejection letters before the Board <br /> to request them to change the policy of sending rejection letters to <br /> all applicants . He commented that there are several applications <br /> being received for each position advertised and also, in light of the <br /> budget situation, the town could save on postage . <br /> Also, in light of the busy schedule of the Personnel Assistant, Ben <br /> commented that the Assistant should not be expected to send rejection <br /> letters to all candidates who apply for a position; however, just to <br /> those interviewed by the Board . Rita Sousa said that she could obtain <br /> samples of a postcard which would allow one to acknowledge receipt of <br /> an application which would help cut down on the telephone calls . <br /> After some additional discussion on the matter, Chairman Sullivan felt <br /> that Board should let the Personnel Assistant decide what she wants to <br /> do . The Personnel Assistant said that she would like to look at some <br /> postcard samples; however, she felt she had a good rejection letter . <br />