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IPERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MINUTES OF JANUARY 14 , 1991 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following members of the Mashpee Personnel Board were present for <br /> tonight ' s meeting : Robert W . Sullivan , C . Ben Lofchie , Jane Stockbridge <br /> and Leo Turo ( arriving at 6 :20 p .m . ) . <br /> Chairman Sullivan convened the meeting at 6 : 00 p .m . <br /> Personnel Board Minutes <br /> Jane Stockbridge moved to accept the Personnel Board minutes of Nov . 19 . <br /> Ben Lofchie seconded the motion . All in favor. <br /> Pay Differential - Lynn Traudt <br /> The Personnel Board reviewed a letter from David Bailey , Director of <br /> Assessing , dated January 10 requesting a pay differential for Lynn Traudt , <br /> Ass-istant Assessor . Dave explains that Lynn has been working with an in- <br /> crease of duties since November 8 when the Office Manager , Pat Hicks re- <br /> tired . The Board of Assessors will be requesting a job description and <br /> labor grade change for FY ' 92 . They would like to pay Lynn a differential <br /> that will bring her current salary up to the amount budgeted for FY192 and <br /> have that rate of pay retroactive to the pay period ending November 16 at <br /> a rate of $90 per week and to continue through the pay period ending the <br /> week of June 28 . <br /> Chairman Sullivan pointed out that everyone has been putting off doing any- <br /> thing about upgrades until the study is completed by Jane Stockbridge . <br /> Ben Lofchie commented that when the department reorganized , they realized <br /> they need to move her up . He ,said that there .is money in the Assessor 's <br /> budget to do this now and no additional money will be needed for this fiscal <br /> year . She is taking on and doing extra jobs .." Ben said that it comes down <br /> to a question of paying Lynn Traudt the differential and hiring a new lister <br /> versus paying $80 , 000 for a consultant . He explained that the State mandates <br /> that they do' certain things . Ben said that they are asking Personnel to okay <br /> the $90 per week differential . <br /> Jane Stockbridge asked if there would still be enough money in the account <br /> for the Property Lister . Ben replied "yes " . <br /> Ben Lofchie commented that the Town of Sandwich is currently advertising for <br /> an Assistant Assessor at a salary of $24 , 000. <br /> Jane Stockbridge commented that as elected officials they have the right to <br /> do this . Ben said that they wanted permission of the Personnel Board . <br /> Jane asked if they could wait another week or two as she would like to com- <br /> plete the study . <br /> The Board tabled the discussion of a pay differential for Lynn Traudt until <br /> Jane Stockbridge could meet with the Director of Assessing . <br /> Interviews of Harbormaster <br /> The Personnel Board interviewed the following candidates for the position of <br /> Harbormaster : John Brewster , Stephen McKenna , Frederick Watt and George <br /> Benway , III . Two other candidates were also scheduled for interviews ; how- <br /> ever , withdrew their applications . <br />