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Quashnet School Council (2009-2010) <br /> Minutes of Meeting held Thursday, January 14, 2010 (3:15 PM—4:15 PM) <br /> Attendees <br /> Council Members: Patty DeBoer, Sheila Arnold, Cary Marshall, Jackie Rastallis, Jane Dolan, Calean LaCroix, <br /> Kristen Boyd, and Lisa Hettinger <br /> Guest: Richard Bailey,School Committee Chairman <br /> 1. Revising/Updating Quashnet School's Mission Statement <br /> We reviewed the Quashnet School's current mission statement. All council members agree that it needs to be revised <br /> and improved upon. We will start the process and develop a rough draft mission statement. The Quashnet School <br /> staff will also be brought into the process. Before finalizing our proposed mission statement, we will also ask for parent <br /> reviewfinput. We will also get feedback from members of the student council. I have provided a separate attachment <br /> which contains some sample mission statements as well as the results of a Texas study of elementary school mission <br /> statements which lists 15 themes that emerged in the mission statements they studied. <br /> Prior to our next meeting (maybe by February 4"h)Council members are asked to provide(via email)feedbackfinput to <br /> Patty regarding a draft mission statement for the Quashnet School. Feel free to highlight or underline any wording on <br /> the attached"mission statement"document that you would like included in Quashnet's mission statement. If you <br /> collect additional sample mission statements, please feel free to include what you like from those as well. <br /> From our discussion: <br /> Incorporate the Falcon 5 into the mission statement <br /> Goal-driven and measurable <br /> 25 words or less <br /> 2. Review of Cary's suggestions(Improving Student Learning 2010-2011) <br /> • D.E.A.R. Time is a well-liked addition to this school year("Mashpee Reads") <br /> • Elementary Math Program—Samples of 2 programs—Investigations and Everyday Math—are being brought to <br /> both KCC and Quashnet so that teachers can review the materials. These two programs were chosen <br /> because there is research data showing student success using each program. Teachers will be asked to <br /> review the materials of each program using an extensive rubric. Based on the feedback received,a decision <br /> will be made. Some money to purchase materials for a new math program is included in the FY10 operating <br /> budgets for both Quashnet and KCC. Federal grant monies will also be used for this purpose. Implementation <br /> decisions will be made with input from staff and administration. <br /> • Cary shared an overview of"Responsive Classroom" Her prior knowledge,experience, and enthusiasm for <br /> the program have helped other teachers incorporate parts thereof into their classroom practice. We will <br /> explore bringing a Responsive Classroom graduate course to Mashpee. There is definite interest therein. <br /> • We discussed ways to encourage students to read independently at home on a daily basis without there being <br /> tedious recordkeeping attached thereto. <br /> ■ Jackie shared that a one-sentence response to a reading selection has worked well in the <br /> past for her students. <br /> ■ Enhance our library collection with CDs to accompany the book. <br /> ■ Look into a"Family Reading Night"event. <br /> ■ Choose a school-wide reading selection and then plan a family event around it. <br /> ■ Bring a storyteller to Quashnet. <br /> ■ Use collections of short stories <br /> ■ Use graphic novels <br /> • Weekly School Newsletter—Patty will try to regularly include a math and an ELA focused problem for students <br /> and their families to solve. <br /> per -. <br />