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FACSIMILE <br /> Temporary Project Office <br /> Tel 508 4772868 <br /> Fax 508 539 0821 <br /> Mashpee High School Project Management <br /> To Symmes, Maini & McKee Associates f": &rynhG 14%50 <br /> Attn. Joel Seeley p& e lie-65 <br /> CC Paul Griffin, Building Committee (A,+ (id ly_58 <br /> From Tom Wren <br /> Date May 11, 1995 Page 1 of 2 <br /> Re Prospective Value-Add List <br /> The following is a summary list of the items referred to during the Building Committee <br /> meeting held on April 24, 1995 for further consideration and development. At the <br /> appropriate time, prices are to be sought from the Contractor. As noted in the Minutes: if <br /> good prices are not obtainable from that source, the Committee might have to find an <br /> alternative means; and, all items are are to be treated as tentative given the present <br /> uncertainty surrounding the F,F & E budget. <br /> 1. Irrigation for the playing fields. <br /> 2. Duel-fuel capability. (Further consideration to be given to use of No. 2 or No. 5 fuel oil.) <br /> 3. Athletic lights: football field, tennis courts, stadium, basketball; coin-operated use. <br /> 4. Automatic flush valves to the toilets and automatic faucets to wash-hand basins. <br /> 5. Soft landscaping improvements; more shrubs, trees, ground cover in lieu of,grass etc. <br /> 6. Beautification of the courtyard to the Academic Block. <br /> 7. Up-grade the athletics track to a synthetic wearing course; obtain price. <br /> 8. Auditorium: reintroduction of all curtains; review of seats; wood paneling. <br /> 9. Gymnasium wall: SMMA to approach GESS when Project is underway. <br /> 10. Main Lobby: SMMA to provide recommendations regarding finishings such as Blue <br /> Stone or other material substitution but without changing the design. <br /> 11. Lighting to classrooms: sensor lighting; improved parabolic fixtures. <br />