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ARTICLE I... DEFINITIONS 5ENIOIZ CITIZEN PERMIT... lssueu riit> to `ii.-i—aly 1 r-it of scallops shall be oxie b.asiiei <br /> FAMILY...All those persons of the immediate a citizen who has attained the age of sixty-five per day including shells between October <br /> (65) on the last birthday and who is a legal 1st and the following March 31st.Whoever <br /> family,husband,wife, unmarried children, resident of the Town of Mashpee, or to a violates this provision shall be punished by <br /> domiciled and living under the same roof. citizen of seventy (70) years of age who has a fine of not less than ten dollars($10.00)nor <br /> COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN... Any person been assessed and paid a real estate property more than fifty dollars ($50.00). <br /> who sells or offers for sale shellfish or tax during the preceding year. I. Commercial quahog daily limit shall be <br /> seaworm for cash or other considerations. COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT... A three(3) bushels per day including shells. <br /> SHELLFISH... Unless otherwise expressed, permit issued to a person, other than aliens, Any person violating this provision shall be <br /> the word shellfish shall be inclusive of clams, who have attained their sixteenth (16th) fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) <br /> quahogs, oysters, scallops, and razor fish. birthday and are now actually domiciled in the nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00), and <br /> SEED CLAM... Soft-shell clams, the shell Town of Mashpee,and possess a current state forfeiture of his permit for a period of one(1) <br /> measuring less than two (2) inches in the commercial permit. year. <br /> longest diameter. J. No digging of soft-shell clams, for <br /> SEED QUAHOGS... Same as above. commercial purposes, until further notice. <br /> SEED OYSTERS... Oysters less than three(3) ARTICLE III...RULES AND REGULATIONS Anyone in violation of this section shall be <br /> inches in the punished by a fine of not less than twenty <br /> ongest diameter. A. All changes to the local shellfish regulations dollars ($20.00) nor more than fifty dollars <br /> SEED SCALLOP... Bay Scallops that do not will be published in the local newspaper. ($50.00). <br /> have a well-defined annual growth line on the B. No commercial shellfishing on Sunday. K. Persons shall not take or have in their <br /> shell. Anyone violating this section shall be fined possession quahogs or soft-shell clams that <br /> BUSHEL... Whenever used herein shall mean not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) nor are less than two inches(2")in the longest <br /> the quantity thereof,(in U.S.dry measure)of more than fifty dollars ($50.00). diameter of the shell or oysters that are less <br /> four(4) pecks. C. All shellfish permits must be worn visibly at than three inches (3") in the longest <br /> PECK.. .Whenever used herein shall mean the all times. diameter or scallops that do not have a <br /> quantity,(in U.S.dry measure)of eight(S)dry D. No person shall dig,take or carry away any well <br /> growth ring. Anyone in <br /> quarts. shellfish between one-half hour after violation of this section shall be punished by <br /> FAMILY PERMIT... Privilege granted under sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. a fine of not less than twenty dollars($20.00) <br /> the authority of the Board of Selectmen for the Any person in violation of this provision nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00). <br /> taking of shellfish for domestic use only. will be punished by a fine of fifty dollars L. All scallops will be culled immediately and <br /> NOTE: Permit will be issued on the basis of not ($50.00), and in addition, shall forfeit his only adult scallops shall be brought ashore <br /> ermit per famil permit for one (1) year. in the shell. Anyone who violates any <br /> more than one <br /> p p y E. All persons shall display their catch upon provision of this section shall be punished <br /> COMMERCIAL PERMIT... A privilege request of the Shellfish Officer. Anyone in by a fine of not less than ten dollars($10.00) <br /> granted under the authority of the Board of violation of this section shall be punished by nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00). <br /> Selectmen to take shellfish for sale or other a fine of not less than twenty dollars($20.00) M. Shellfish shall be taken only by hand,rake, <br /> considerations. nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00). tongs,or by dragging.NO SHOVELS OR <br /> F. The family weekly limit shall be one (1) HOES ALLOWED. Any person violating <br /> peck of any shellfish,except scallops.1 peck this provision shall be punished by a fine of <br /> of soft shell clams in any one week in not less than ten dollars($10.00)nor more <br /> ARTICLE II... REQUIREMENTS TO Waquoit Bay. 1 peck of soft shell clams on than fifty dollars ($50.00). <br /> OBTAIN ABOVE PERMITS Wednesday&Saturday only in Poponesset N. All shellfish shall be culled immediately and <br /> FAMILY PERMIT... Issued to a head of a Bay. Anyone exceeding this limit shall be all seed must be returned to the waters and <br /> household who is a resident and domiciled in punished by a fine of not less than ten flats where taken.No person shall transport <br /> the Town of Mashpee. Also issued to a dollars ($10.00) nor more than fifty dollars or move seed clams, quahogs, oysters or <br /> taxpayer of the Town of Mashpee who has ($50.00) and loss of permit for a period of scallops without written permission from <br /> been assessed a property tax in,the preceding one (1) year. the Director of Marine Fisheries and the <br /> year. G. No shellfishing in any area of town on Town Shellfish Constable. <br /> NON-RESIDENCE FAMILY PERMIT... Sunday from JUNE 15 through O. Persons shellfishing in areas posted NO <br /> Issued to a citizen who is the head of a SEPTEMBER 15 inclusive. Anyone SHELLFISHING per order of the Board of <br /> household and who is a resident and violating this provision shall be punished Selectmen shall be punished by a fine of not <br /> domiciled in the Commonwealth of by a fine of not less than ten dollars($10.00) less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor <br /> Massachusetts. nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00). more than fifty dollars ($50.00). <br />
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