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Motion: Motion to raise and appropriate the sum of $1600 to the Harbormaster <br /> Salary Account. <br /> MOTION DEFEATED. . . . .HANDCOUNT YES 70 NO 75. . . . . . . . . . . . .8:25 P.M. <br /> Motion: Motion to reconsider Article 15 at 8:16 p.m. <br /> MOTION TO RECONSIDER ARTICLE 15 DEFEATED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:27 P.M. <br /> Article 17 : <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from <br /> available funds the sum of $16,000 to the Police Department Cruiser Account. <br /> Submitted by Police Chief <br /> Motion: Motion to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000 to the Police <br /> Department Cruiser Account. <br /> SHOW OF HANDS. . .MODERATOR DECLARES MOTION CARRIED. . . . . . .8:32 P.M. <br /> Article 18: <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from <br /> available funds the sum of $5,000 to be expended at the direction of the Board <br /> of Selectmen for the benefit of the Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays Task Force <br /> . to hire legal and/or scientific consultants to pursue legal action to ensure <br /> that the water quality of Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays will not be <br /> adversely affected by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority' s proposed <br /> " outfall tunnel and discharge through it of inadequately treated effluent; and <br /> further, to authorize the Selectmen to accept donations for said purpose and <br /> to transfer the same to said Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays Task Force; and <br /> further, to authorize the Selectmen to appoint a representative to the Cape <br /> Cod and Massachusetts Bays Task Force. <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen <br /> Motion: Motion to raise and appropriate from available funds the sum of <br /> $5,000 to the Legal/Engineering/Consulting Account to be expended at <br /> the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the benefit of the Cape <br /> Cod and Massachusetts Bays Task Force to hire legal and/or scientific <br /> consultants to pursue legal action to ensure that the water quality <br /> of Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays will not be adversely affected by <br /> the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's proposed outfall tunnel <br /> and discharge through it of inadequately treated effluent; and <br /> further, to authorize the Selectmen to accept donations for said <br /> purpose and to transfer the same to said Cape Cod and Massachusetts <br /> Bays Task Force; and further, to authorize the Selectmen to appoint a <br /> representative to the Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays Task Force. <br /> SHOW OF HANDS. . . . . .MODERATOR DECLARES MOTION CARRIED. . . . . .8 :44 P.M. <br /> y <br />