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thence generally southerly and easterly along the eastern property line of <br /> said parcel to the northern shore line of Dean ' s Pond ; <br /> thence following said shore line northeasterly to the northeastern corner <br /> of Map 123 , Block 54 ; <br /> thence following a straight line to the point of beginning . " <br /> and to Section 174-31 " Land Space Requirements Table " add a new footnote <br /> 1116 " as follows and add a reference to said footnote to the heading of the <br /> "Maximum Building Height" column : <br /> " 16 . Maximum height within the Popponesset Overlay District shall be <br /> twenty-eight (28) feet , and maximum number of stories shall be two (2 ) , <br /> subject to the provisions of footnote 4 of this table . " <br /> or take any other action thereon . <br /> Submitted by petition <br />