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I <br /> Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board voted unanimously to <br /> approve the extension of J.A.U. Realty, Inc, to extend the Permit commencing <br /> date filed with the Town Clerk of Mashpee, with the following changeel and <br /> indluding the following conditions <br /> 1. All plans shall be submitted to the Conservation Commission, <br /> Town of Mashpee. <br /> 2. All subdivision plans shall be submitted to the Planning Board <br /> as required under Section 9.38 Mashpee Zoning By-law. <br /> 3. The project shall be phased at least over a five year period, <br /> but noV to exceed more than ten years. <br /> Not more than one hundred four (104) condominiums, but no less <br /> than fifty-two (52) condominiums in one year. <br /> Not more than forty-six (46) single-family houses in one year. <br /> 4. The Golf Course and Club House shall be constructed during <br /> Phase I. No Building Permits will be issued for Phase II <br /> until the completion of the Golf Course and Club House. <br /> 5. All other recreational facilities, as per plans submitted to <br /> the Appeals Board, shall be completed during Phase II. <br /> 6. A one hundred foot buffer zone, to the left in its natural stake, <br /> shall be established on each side of the Qiashnet River through <br /> the entire project area. <br /> 7. All sections of Section 9.3 of the Mashpee Zoning By-law of 1973 <br /> shall be strictly adhered to. <br /> 8. The Planning Board, Appeals Board, Conservation Commission, and <br /> Building Inspector shall from time to time inspect the project <br /> area to determine if the provisions of Section 9.3 are being <br /> adhered to. <br /> 9. Any and all changes in the project plan submitted to the Appeals <br /> Board, a copy of which is attached hereto, shall have the express <br /> written consent of the Board of Appeals and the Planning Board. <br /> 10. The Building Inspector shall keep track of the abhedule referenced <br /> in Paraghaph #3. If requirement cannot be met the Permit can be <br /> considered in default. <br /> MASHPEE BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> BYE <br />