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INDUS- <br /> RESIDENTIAL' COMMERCIAL TRIAL <br /> R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 cl C1-Sv CI-(. C2 I <br /> ACCESSORY USES <br /> 1 . Private garage for use of the residents. Y Y Y Y Y <br /> 2. Not more than one (1) commercial vehicle <br /> per lot not to exceed two (2) tons capacity. Y Y Y Y Y <br /> 3. Private greenhouse, stable, tennis court , <br /> swimming pool , or other similar building or <br /> structure for domestic use. Y Y Y Y Y <br /> 4. The raising or keeping of animals, live- <br /> stock or poultry, but not swine, as pets or <br /> for use by residents of the premises pro- <br /> vided that no building or enclosure for any <br /> animal may be less than forty (40) feet from <br /> side or rear lot line , nor nearer than fifty <br /> (50) feet to any front lot line. Y Y Y Y Y <br /> 5. Customary home occupation or the office of <br /> a resident physician, dentist, attorney-at- <br /> law, architect, engineer, , or member of other <br /> recognized profession similar to the afore- <br /> mentioned provided that not more than three <br /> 3) persons shall practice or be employed <br /> on the premises at any one time. SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP <br /> 6. The use of a portion of a dwelling or <br /> accessory building thereto by a resident <br /> builder, carpenter, painter, plumber, mason, <br /> or other artisan or by a resident tree <br /> surgeon or landscape gardener for incidental <br /> work and storage in connection with their off- <br /> premises occupation provided there is no ex- <br /> ternal change which alters the residential <br /> appearance of the buildings. SP SP SP SP SP x Y Y Y <br /> 7. Restaurants, beauty shop, barber shop, <br /> or newstand inside a building for the use of <br /> the primary occupants of the building, pro- <br /> vided there be no exterior evidence of same, <br /> and further provided that an apartment com- <br /> plex contain not less than fifty (50) rental <br /> units or in the case of a condominium, not <br /> less than fifty (50) units. SP SP SP Y Y Y <br />