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•., <br />• <br />•- <br />MINUTES January 25, 1989 - 2 - <br />BOARD OF APPEALS <br />Charles D.Sphor - (Owner of Record: Henry N. and Eliz- <br />abeth B. spohr, TR) - Requests a variance under Section 7.6 of the <br />Land Space Requirements for -permission to construct a single <br />family residence in an R-3 zoning district on property located <br />at 29 Hamblin Road (Map 120, Lot 32) Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: Richard Halpern, Cheryl Hawver, William <br />Hanrahan. <br />Presented by Mr. Sphor. He explained that what he is asking <br />for is release on Hamblin Road. He does not need any other <br />variance release. Mr. Sphor would like to get permission to upgrade <br />the road to the curve that is spelled out in the by-law. <br />Mr. Sphor stated that he had talked with the Fire Chief and he <br />had no objections. <br />Mr. Halpern questioned what he meant by upgrading the road. <br />What he is really asking for is a variance to allow without that <br />curve. <br />Abutters Comments: One of the main concerns was what roads <br />would be used during construction. Mr. Sphor stated that they <br />had no intentions of bringing the traffic through Russell Road. <br />Mr. Anderson an abutter stated that the road as it exists today <br />is adequate and able to operate if a fire occurred. The fire <br />department does not need to go down Russell Road. <br />Mr. Sphor is showing on the plan what the by-law would call <br />for. He does not have future plans for development. <br />Mrs. Moore would like to know how wide the road would be. <br />She questioned whether he could cut down trees on her property. <br />Board of Appeals stated that he could not cut down trees on her <br />property. <br />Richard Halpern made a motion to grant the variance under <br />Section 7.6 of the by-law to vary 7.6 to allow the dwelling to <br />be constructed on Map 2532. William Hanrahan .^' subject <br />to the Board Satisfactory receiving from the Fire Chief. <br />Cheryl Hawver seconded with the amendment of the Fire Chief. <br />All agreed. <br />