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r Page 2 <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi suggested that a commendation letter be sent to <br /> Chief George Baker. Mr. Bacigalupi will draft and fax to Mr. <br /> Goggin for his approval before sending out. <br /> Vacant Seat <br /> Mr. Goggin asked that a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen <br /> requesting that they take all steps necessary to fill the vacant <br /> seat on the Finance Committee. <br /> Mike Kumin was present at the meeting and gave a brief history of <br /> his educational and work experience. Mr. Kumin was a senior <br /> partner in an accounting firm in Worcester and has practiced public <br /> accounting for 40 years. He has also been 'participating as a <br /> member of the Capital Improvement Committee. He has been a year <br /> round resident for two years, but has owned property here in <br /> Mashpee since 1958. <br /> Alec Watt was also present at the meeting to show his interest in <br /> the vacant position. Mr. Watt is presently working as an attorney <br /> in Falmouth. He has much experience on Town Boards. Mr. Watt had <br /> worked on the Town Hall Building Committee and also the Middle <br /> School addition. He is now very active as a scout leader in <br /> Mashpee. <br /> Mr. Goggin mentioned that a letter was being sent to the Board of <br /> Selectmen requesting that they take all steps necessary in filling <br /> the position. Mr. Kumin and Mr. Watt would be notified of a joint <br /> meeting between the Finance Committee and the Board of Selectmen <br /> regarding the appointment. <br /> Town Meeting <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that he had received a couple of telephone calls <br /> from reporters regarding the Committee's meeting prior to Town <br /> Meeting Tuesday, May 2nd. The meeting was posted Monday, May 1st, <br /> but there was no way of knowing until late Monday evening that the <br /> meeting would continue on Tuesday. The meeting was not posted as <br /> an emergency on Tuesday afternoon, because it was felt that it was <br /> a continuation from the previous evening. <br /> Mr. Goggin requested that a telephone call be placed to the Town <br /> Accountant asking her for the final figures of what was budgeted <br /> for the Special and Annual Town Meetings. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked the Committee there feelings of what the Committee <br /> could have done differently? Mr. Bacigalupi felt that the <br /> Committee needed to figure a way of informing Mashpee's taxpayers <br /> better. He suggested articles in the newspaper and also inserting <br /> a leaflet into the newspaper. Mr. Goggin suggested getting the <br /> information out earlier. Mr. Golub also felt that the Committee <br /> should have been better prepared at Town Meeting. He felt that <br />