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5/27/2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
5/27/2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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3 <br /> <br />Board of Selectmen <br />Minutes <br />May 27, 2015 <br /> <br />Peter Johnson-Staub: (continued) <br />Mr. Johnson-Staub indicated that he previously served as the interim Town Administrator <br />for the Town of Yarmouth. He has worked closely with department heads, and is <br />familiar with roles between the Board of Selectmen and staff. Mr. Johnson-Staub stated <br />that his is looking for stability, and if awarded the position, it is his intention to remain in <br />this role for a long time. <br />When asked about interaction with superintendent and school budget Mr. Johnson-Staub <br />stated the approach would be a pleasure. Opportunities recommended to review include <br />combined finance, and management in collaboration with the town. <br />Mr. Johnson-Staub stated the perfect model begins with goal setting with the board of <br />selectmen. The town manager then builds a budget, and introduces the budget to the <br />finance committee while working through process, policies and priorities. The budget <br />would then be delivered to the board of selectmen and then to town meeting. It was <br />noted the Town of Mashpee is well managed. When asked of his philosophy with respect <br />to public spending Mr. Johnson-Staub indicated that if it is deemed a priority, he has <br />efficiency skills to keep the taxes down, streamline processes, and work towards <br />developing new fees without impacting services. Mr. Johnson-Staub indicated that <br />change and creativity will limit taxes, and reduce contractual services costs, etc. <br />In discussing the capital improvement process, Mr. Johnson-Staub indicated that he <br />would submit instructions and guidelines to department heads and develop funding <br />targets with department stakeholders. Mr. Johnson-Staub explained that good <br />communication essential. <br />In review of the DPW and reducing cost constraints, Mr. Johnson-Staub stated that <br />utilization of the in-house workforce has proven beneficial in the Town of Yarmouth. <br />Most in-house projects are conducted on a seasonal basis, as DPW assistance is crucial to <br />the town during the growing months. <br />With regards to wastewater management Mr. Johnson-Staub indicated that it is an <br />important challenge. Mr. Johnson-Staub stated that he has ideas and knowledge. It was <br />suggested that financing be fully explored including wastewater fees, water fees, and <br />betterments. <br />In The Town of Yarmouth, the comprehensive wastewater management plan is coming <br />into fruition, but the price tag was high. Mr. Johnson-Staub indicated that he felt his <br />representing town did not start soon enough on education, dialogue and the public <br />process.
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