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NEW BUSINESS <br />• Reorganization of Board Officers <br />Sheldon Holzer motioned to rotate Board officers... Sheldon Holzer named Chairman; Paul <br />Andrews named Vice Chairman; Gregg Fraser named Clerk. Gregg Fraser seconded the motion. <br />Roll Call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Sheldon Holzer, yes; Gregg Fraser, yes. This motion was <br />approved by unanimous vote. <br />Sheldon Holzer continued as Chairman of this meeting. <br />Correspondence from Korde & Assoc. P.C.—Nothing to be done. <br />Review of Dept. of Revenue Legal Opinion on eligibility for Clause 22D Veteran's <br />Exemptions.—Current policy to stand. <br />Authorize the transfer of overlay of funds from the 1999 Assessors Provision for Abatement <br />Account to the Overlay accounts for fiscal years FY 2000 through FY 2005, Totaling <br />$2,544.09. <br />Gregg Fraser motioned to approve the transfer of Overlay of funds from the 1999 Assessors <br />Provision for Abatement Account to the Overlay accounts in the following fiscal years... totaling <br />$2,544.09: <br />FY 2000 - $ 952.25 FY 2003 - $ 109.80 <br />FY 2001 - $ 949.18 FY 2004 - $ 306.00 <br />FY 2002 - $ 162.02 FY 2005 - $ 64.84 <br />TOTAL: $2,544.09 <br />Paul Andrews seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Sheldon Holzer, yes; <br />Gregg Fraser, yes. This motion was approved by unanimous vote. <br />Final transfer of funds to be authorized by May 2016 Special Town Meeting Vote. <br />Release of Overlay Funds to the Overlay Surplus Account for FY 1993 through FY 1999, FY <br />2009, FY 2011, FY 2012, and FY 2013... Totaling $350,000.00. <br />Paul Andrews motioned to approve the release of Overlay Funds to the Overlay Surplus Account <br />for the following Fiscal Years... <br />Totaling $350,000.00: <br />FY 1993 - $ 21,401.58 <br />FY 1999 - $ 8,124.94 <br />FY 1994 - $ 22,172.53 <br />FY 2009 - $ 108.89 <br />FY 1995 - $ 21,262.69 <br />FY 2011 - $100,219.80 <br />FY 1996 - $ 27,893.19 <br />FY 2012 - $ 12,966.23 <br />FY 1997 - $ 19.953.59 <br />FY 2013 - $101,577.36 <br />FY 1998 - $ 14,319.20 <br />TOTAL: $350,000.00 <br />Gregg Fraser seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Sheldon Holzer, yes; <br />Gregg Fraser, yes. This motion was approved by unanimous vote. <br />NEXT MEETING – No meeting was scheduled... to be determined. <br />2 <br />