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TOWN OF MASHPI E PLANNING BOA=RD <br /> meeting was hold on September 6, 1972, at Mashpee Town Hall at WOKE. <br /> Members in Attendance: <br /> Earle Marsters , Chairman <br /> Harold Collins <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> William Lehmann <br /> ri hearing on the L & 0 Association, Inc. , scheduled for this meeting <br /> was continued to September 20, 1972 to give the Board, representatives <br /> of L & 0 association, Inc. , and representatives of the Hod and Gun <br /> Club time to meet on the site and survey the hazards presented by the <br /> firing range which abutes the L & 0 properties. A letter was received <br /> from Mr. Savery giving his approval of the drainage and road_ construc- <br /> tion plan. Those representing the L &. 0 Association, Inc. , were <br /> .fir. Dill Weller. and Mr. Lewis LtfauAv&o , <br /> Mr. Harry Shuman appeared before the Board to ask permission to change <br /> 2 lots into 3 lots and add one to the presently approved hap of his <br /> land located in Pickerel Cove, Mashpee . The Board approved. <br /> Mr. Condon of John' s Pone Estates appeared before the Board .requeoting, <br /> that Sections 2 and 3 be inspected for release of covenant. Mr. Condon <br /> submitted two approval not required plans , one for four lots on James <br /> Circle .and �the other for two lots on Sasse t Circle and five lots on <br /> Pond Circle . The ola,ns were noted that the covenant be applied to <br /> each plan and were approved. <br /> The covenant releases for Mr. Blakeman were mailed to Mr. Richard Staff, <br /> AttorDey of 712 Main Street, Y yannis , Ma,ssachasetts. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 11: 00 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br />