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TOWN OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> A meeting was held on August 2, 1972, at Mashpee Town Hall at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Members in attendance: <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br /> Harold Collins <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> William Lehmann <br /> Absent: Joseph Delaney <br /> A public hearing was held on the sub-division of Richard Powers and <br /> Paul Casey, located off Pimlico Pond Road. Melvin Dangel, an attorney <br /> and abutter, appeared before the Board to protest the sub-division in <br /> general . In particular he stated that Lot 15 does not have adequate <br /> frontage. The Board agreed and will note on the plan that Lot 15 is <br /> not to be considered as a building lot. He also complained that he <br /> had not received notice and that he was an abutter. A check with the <br /> Town Counsel revealed that the abuttersshown on the Tax records were <br /> notified and therefore in his opinion the hearing is legal. Mrs . MacLean <br /> complained about the road abutting her property. Bill Nye agreed to set <br /> back the cul-de-sac 50 feet from her property, to which she agreed. <br /> Bill Nye will pay the hearing fee and advertising fee on August 16, 1972. <br /> Mr. Frank Hicks received a call from the. abutter whose land Mr. Dangel <br /> claimed to own. Her name is Grace Sanford and she still claims owner- <br /> ship of the land. <br /> A public hearing was held on the sub-division of John S. Williams located <br /> off County Road and includes Tri-town Road. Mr. Walter Carson questioned <br /> the sub-divider' s intentions as to the road which borders his land. <br /> Mr. Richard Ferrara (representing John P. Doyle Company) stated that the <br /> road will be widened and suitable gravel will be provided. Mr. Ferrara <br /> submitted an approval letter from the Town Engineer. The sub-division <br /> consists of 44 lots and 2 reserved areas. <br /> A public hearing was held on the sub-division of Vincent Porciello located <br /> off Great Oak Road and bordering Jehu Pond. Mr. Ferrara was missing some <br /> of the return receipts, but will deliver them prior to picking up the <br /> original plan. The Board agreed provided the dates on the receipts showed <br /> that the abutters had advanced notice. Mr. Ferrara took back the linen to <br /> modify it as required by the Town Engineer. Mr. Ferrara paid the $32. for <br /> the hearing fee. <br /> A public hearing was held on the sub-division of New Seabury Corporation <br /> located on Mid-Iron and Brassie Way. The petitioner (Mr. Burden) did not <br /> have the plan with him therefore the Board continued the hearing until <br /> August 16th. He also agreed to provide a plan which could be recorded <br /> at the Registry of Deeds . He will pay the sub-division fee and advertising <br />