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TOWN OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> A meeting was held on June 21 , 1972, at Mashpee Town Hall at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Members in Attendance: <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br /> Harold Collins <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> Willaim Lehmann <br /> Absent: <br /> Joseph Delaney <br /> Mr. Charles Wing submitted a definitive plan of a cluster <br /> zoning proposal for New Seabury Corporation located off Brassie <br /> Way. Two of the lots were less than 15,000 square feet and did <br /> not appear to border the common open area. On further inspection <br /> it appears that the commom open area is not shown on this plan. <br /> Also, New Seabury must provide us with the method of proposed <br /> ownership of the open area. Because of the uncertainty of the <br /> location and status of the open area, no hearing date was set. <br /> Mr. Henry Ehrisman appeared before the Board to inquire about <br /> the status of the security shed on Red Brook Road. Mr. James <br /> Gaffney had originally complained about the location of this shed. <br /> Mr. Ehrisman stated that he had been given a permit by the <br /> Board of Selectman who had selected the site. We informed him that <br /> as far as we were concerned the shed is in violation of the set- <br /> back requirements. He left to see the selectmen but never returned. <br /> Mr. Jonathan Fitch appeared before the Board to explain his <br /> position on the elimination of two paper streets (Carter Road and <br /> Brown Terrace) from his sub-division plan. Attorney Herbert Tucker <br /> represented Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, two abutters concerned about <br /> their rights over these roads. After much discussion it was agreed <br /> that a note as follows would be added to the plan and a dotted line <br /> to show the location of these roads: "undefined easement subject to <br /> rights of abutting lot owners." <br /> Mr. Tom Johnson appeared to get a preliminary opinion from <br /> the Board on a condominium proposal .located off Route 28 at Noisey <br /> Hole Road. The complex will be known as Quaker Run Village. It <br /> -1- <br />