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TOWN OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> A meeting was held on May 17, 1972, at Mashpee Town Hall at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Members in Attendance : <br /> Earle Marsters, Chai rman <br /> .Joseph Delaney <br /> Richardson .zonas <br /> William Lehmann <br /> Member Absent: <br /> Harold Collins <br /> Mr. Peter Ogren sumbitted a definitive plan for the extension of <br /> Shore Drive west for New Seabury Corporation. This plan had been signed <br /> previously but because it hadn't been recorded within the six-month <br /> period it was necessary for the Board to again sign the plan. <br /> Mr. Ogren submitted a preliminary plan for the subdivision bordering <br /> the golf course on Mid- Iron Road and Mashie Road, consisting of 16 lots <br /> under cluster zoning. The Board recommended that the green area associated <br /> with this subdivision be included in the plan. This area is in the <br /> 22,500 square foot district. Mr. Ogren agreed to submit a master plan <br /> of the golf course area on which he will record each cluster zoning <br /> proposal as submitted. The profile plan will be revised to show berms <br /> and a cross section of the leaching basins. In addition , arrows will <br /> be added to the subdivision plan to indicate the direction of drainage. <br /> Retention areas for water discharge will also be shown on the plan. <br /> A definitive plan for William Marsters which had previously been <br /> signed by the Board was signed again as of the old date because the old <br /> plan had been damaged by water. <br /> Mr. Nye submitted a preliminary copy of the proposed Town Map. The <br /> Board made some corrections and changes. It was agreed that solid lines <br /> would be used to indicate paved roads and that dotted lines would be <br /> used to indicate gravel roads. It was also agreed that only those roads <br />