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TOWN OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> 3 <br /> A meeting was held on December 15, 1971, at Mashpee Town <br /> Hall st 8:00 P.M. <br /> Members in Attendance: <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br /> Joesph Delaney <br /> Richardson .zonas <br /> William Lehmann <br /> Members Absent: <br /> Arthur Koch <br /> The proposed cluster subdivision of Mr. John R. was <br /> discussed with Mr. Dean Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence made several <br /> recommendations as follows: <br /> 1. He questioned the inclusion of an easement area as part <br /> of the open area requirement. He submitted a proposed <br /> addition to the cluster zoning bylaw which would eliminate <br /> this problem. <br /> 2. He proposed the elimination of the street which parallels <br /> Strawberry Lane. Mr. Amina agreed. <br /> 3. He suggested that two foot topographic layouts be required <br /> wherever the land is anything but level. Mr. Bexley gave <br /> cost estimates for topographic layouts of $140 per lot as <br /> the area is large enough to warrant aerial photography. <br /> 4. Mr. Lawrence proposed that the ownership of the Cape and <br /> Vineyard easement be stipulated so the town will be <br /> guaranteed access and that if this is done in all cases <br /> these right of ways will provide excellent bridle paths <br /> and bicycles trails throughout the town. <br /> 5. He also suggested that the layout could be improved to <br /> provide more lots with direct access to the right of <br /> way. <br /> 6. He pointed out that the plan showed the area of each <br /> lot as 15,000 square feet, however some where actually <br /> as low as 12 to 13000 square feet. <br /> After additional discussion the board suggested the following <br /> changes to which Mr. Umina agreed. <br /> 1. Eliminate the road paralleling Strawberry Lane. <br /> 2. Pave Strawberry Lane in a northerly direction only with <br /> a turnaround in the right of way area with a diameter <br /> of 50 feet of paving. <br /> 3. Add a 10 foot access walkway to the common area opposite <br /> the first Cul--Te-Sec. <br /> 4. Stipulate the proper method of ownership of the common <br /> area. Preferably the Conservation Commission <br />