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TOWN OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> A meeting was held on December 1, 1971, at Mashpee Town <br /> Hall at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Members in Attendance: <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br /> Joesph Delaney <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> William Lehmann <br /> The definitive plan of Mr. LaTouche's subdivision was signed <br /> and delivered. Two copies of the conservation and easement were <br /> delivered to Mr. Allen Taylor to be recorded in the Registry of <br /> Deeds with the copy returned to the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Marsel.le S. Kistin, Attorney for Mr. Bendecit S. Alper <br /> appeared before the board to obtain signatures of an Approval Not <br /> Required plan. The purpose of the plan is to allow Mr. Alper to <br /> donate to the town approximately 25 acres of land with 1000 <br /> feet of frontage on Johns Pond. The land will be donated to <br /> the Conservation Commission and the Audubon Society will own a <br /> restriction in perpetuity. The board approved the plan subject to <br /> elimination of the 100 foot wide access strip, and creation of <br /> a 20 foot wide easement of the western boundary. <br /> Mr. Robert Yantiss of Barnstable Survey Consultant submitted <br /> a plan for Mr. Chester P. Soliz detailing a plot of land on Route <br /> 130 near the Barnstable line under Approval Not Required. The <br /> plan was signed by the board. <br /> Mr. John R. Umina submitted a preliminary plan covering 12.75 <br /> acres under cluster zoning. The board informed Mr. Umina that the <br /> property would be reviewed with Mr. Dean Lawrence to obtain his <br /> opinion as per a previous agreement. This review is scheduled for <br /> the next meeting and Mr. Umina was invited to attend. <br /> Mr. R.T. Steniheilber appeared before the board representing <br /> Santuit Woods. He informed the board that all work has been <br /> completed on their roads except the seeding of shoulders. He <br /> requested the board's approval to defer the seeding until the spring. <br /> The board granted its approval and thanked Mr. Steinheilber for <br /> his progress report. <br />