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6/15/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
6/15/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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out soon giving instruction on calculating this and allowing for an exemption to the next <br /> budget submitted. New and some existing Executive Directors are expected to get a <br /> raise. <br /> FY 2016 Budget guidelines are expected to be issued July 1, according to DHCD. This is <br /> highly unusual, as BG in the past have not been issued until much later. <br /> Agreed Upon Procedures(single audit) have been piloted in a few agencies and DHCD is <br /> expected to start implementing the requirement for all HAs to start the process during <br /> this coming fiscal year. <br /> The Centralized Waiting List is being piloted soon and DHCD is hoping to roilit out this <br /> fall. <br /> Required Board member training is also on the horizon and is expected to be a web- <br /> based training and test. <br /> OLD BUSINEJS: none <br /> NEW,BUSINES5: <br /> a) Qp1tal Improvement Plan Approval (FY L016=2020): Mrs. Botsford started by reviewing the <br /> status of the Fiscal Year 2015 Capital Improvement Jobs. She then presented the proposed <br /> Capital Improvement Plans for Fiscal Years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. She notified the <br /> board that residents had been notified of the plan and a meeting was held today with interested <br /> residents. All residents who attended (3) were very happy with the plan. A motion was made <br /> by Ms.Allen and seconded by Ms. Phillips to approve the Capital Improvement Plan <br /> for Fiscal Years 2016-2020 and submit it to DHCD for final approval. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> b) Waiting List Oppnings: Mrs. Botsford placed this item on:the agenda because three lists have <br /> been closed for quite some time and' not only have the lists gotten shorter, but with the new <br /> Centralized Waiting List expecting to open later this year, all waiting lists will need to be opened <br /> for that. After a short discussion,a motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Ms. <br /> Phillips to open the waiting lists for the 667 non-elderly,the MRVP Project Based one <br /> bedroom and the MRVP Project Based two bedroom. The motion was adopted. Mrs. <br /> Botsford will place the advertisements in the paper. <br /> c) Net Metering Oppgaunities, Mrs, Botsford had distributed the proposals that she received and <br /> explained DHCD guidance, as issued in Public Housing Notice 2015-01 in January. Mrs. Botsford <br /> has received telephone,calls and emails from several companies over the past six months wanting <br /> to contract with us. She contacted all of them and asked them to provide a proposal no larger <br /> than three pages including what housing authorities they have worked with so far. She also <br /> indicated to the companies that they must be willing and able to sign the DHCD contract. She <br /> got three responses and these are the proposals she provided to the board. After discussion, a <br /> motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Shackett to execute the DHCD <br /> contract with Nexamp. The motion was adopted. <br /> d) Procurement Polig Update: Mrs. Botsford had distributed a newly drafted Procurement Policy. <br /> She explained that although the MHA's existing policy was,good, the one being proposed now is <br /> much more complete and has been accepted and approvedi by DHCD. It clearly outlines all of the <br /> housing authority's requirements under Mass General Law Chapter 30B and Chapter 149, . A <br /> motion was made by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Ms. Allen to approve and adopt <br /> the new Procurement Policy. The motion was adopted. <br /> e) Assistant Treasurer vacanp4jo be fill d; Mrs. Botsford noted that there is a vacancy to fill for <br /> Assistant Treasurer. A motion was,made by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Ms. Allen to <br /> nominate Ms. Phillips to fill the vacancy. There being no other,nominations and Ms. <br /> Phillips agreeing to accept,the motion was adopted. <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />
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