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Agenda topic 3] Baatrng Activity on the Lake <br /> IF <br /> Discussion: Barbara mentioned that a PWC had overturned on the lake Saturday the 19th. Two other <br /> boaters arrived to help, and soon the Harbormaster arrived and picked up the riders and towed the PWC <br /> back to the ramp. Debi mentioned that on the 10, a boater ran into the Lakewood Association raft in the <br /> swim area traveling at too fast a rate for after dark. It left with no lights before her husband could check it <br /> out. PWC's continue to be out on the lake past 7:00 PM. Last evening, the 23rd, 4 PWCs were observed <br /> riding fast down the lake and in circles around people in the water until 7:12 PM. <br /> Don reported on Waterways Committee. John's Pond continues to have the most boating problems and <br /> harbormaster coverage, as Mashpec Wakeby is quiet in comparison. <br /> Brian reported seeing no more evidence of drug use at the state boat ramp since the police have increased <br /> patrol of the areas. Attaquin beach gate is being locked again at 7:30 since the episode requiring police <br /> intervention earlier this summer. <br /> Conclusions: There are still some PWC infractions being noted, but on the whole the lake is fairly quiet <br /> this summer. <br /> [agenda tpp. <br /> ic 4]Canrrmttce Vacancy. <br /> Discussion: MWLMC still has a vacancy which we hope will be filled. <br /> Conclusions: A vacancy remains on this committee. <br /> �Agepda to��c 5] Fall l�ewsletter <br /> Discussion: A fall newsletter of six pages plus cover is planned. Barbara will write articles about the lake <br /> level and beach sampling. Other members are considering their contributions. <br /> Conclusions: Articles are needed for the fall newsletter. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> `V L`• 4'V��'� f A <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />