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y i <br /> Finance Committee <br /> March 18 , 1986 <br /> Page 3 . <br /> his salary $318 . <br /> 20. A developer will pave part of a town road to his development <br /> and grants the town to take the intersection , He warts the <br /> town to own the intersection and he will pave . The area <br /> in question is William Dingo Road . <br /> 1 . The town would take by eminent domain , no one claims it , <br /> the Popponesset lsland . Bridge . <br /> 22 . $40 , 000 required to bring Deerfield load up to standard <br /> There is a neeZ for drainage and this would create ;damage <br /> t other property . The people voted the pane for the , a' <br /> engineering but implied it was to be brought back , to" th . ', <br /> Town Meeting . No betterment has been assessed,, - <br /> 23 . <br /> ssessed.23 . $25 , 000 requested to have the town repair Bowdoin o. d. .a - <br /> assess betterment charges upon abutters , over a five year <br /> period , and keep Bowdoin Road as a private road. <br /> 24 . This article seeks the establishment of a permanent —,time <br /> clerk for the Town Clerk ' s office . <br /> 25 . This article seeks appropriation of $500 for boo'k 'b3iud1ug <br /> for the Town Clerk ' s office . <br /> 26 . The Town Clerk is seeking $1 , 000 for closet cony r for <br /> record storage . <br /> . This article is to raise $8 , 500 for Lockbox services -r <br /> the office of Tax Collector . <br /> 30 . $50 , 000 required for the engineering , design and technical <br /> specifications for a Transfer Station . <br /> 1 . This article is to transfer $613 . 35 from the Dog Ta-g and <br /> to the Library Expense Account . <br /> 32 . The Regional School District Committee has submitted <br /> this article seeking approval af the Acts of 1985 <br /> relating to the professional. -development grant progra. .-. <br /> This cost would initially come from the state . <br /> 33 . This article is in reference to the cost of livdag <br /> increase . It seeks approval of an amendment to the <br /> Personnel Administrate 'n Plan . <br />