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s# <br /> Finance Committee <br /> "larch 2 , : 986 <br /> Page 4 . <br /> computer to be used for beach stickers , program registrations and <br /> mailings . She noted that she would be willing to compromise on <br /> this article , but she reiterated her need for clerical support . <br /> Communications was the next topic addressed . As Beach <br /> Director , Wendy , noted she has no communications with the staff <br /> at the beaches . In the event of an emergency the beach staff <br /> have no way to reach her . The Parks & Recreation department i <br /> looking for $750 for one new radio and repair of two existing <br /> radios . Chairman Blythe agreed that there is a need for some <br /> type of communication. It was agreed that if the Police <br /> get their new communications system then hand—held radios would <br /> be available and if they did not get the, system they would agree <br /> to the radios for Park & Recreation . <br /> The Attaquin Park Committee has submitted an Article for <br /> , 00 for the purchase of two park benches and one picnic table . <br /> The Youth Baseball is seeking $4 , 000 in a Special Article . <br /> Chairman Blythe expressed his feeling that it is inappropriate <br /> to have the town delegate $4 , 000 to a group that is not under <br /> the town or under the direction of the Park & Recreation department . <br /> The town should have some say as to how this money is to be spent . <br /> It was recommended that the Article be re—worded to reflect this . <br /> On a final note , Wendy stated that she has an o cost <br /> overrun due to some unfor een expenditures . These included <br /> the purchase of a new surf board , money for the printing of <br /> additional beach stickers and service contract for a copier <br /> the department had purchased . A possible transfer from the <br /> emergency fund will be discussed with the Town Accountant , <br /> Vern Polka . <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 15 p . m . <br /> Next scheduled meeting , Wednesday , March 26th at 6 p . m. <br /> Gall McNabb <br /> Board Secretary <br />