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a <br /> Finance Committee <br /> April 2 , 1986 <br /> Page 4 . <br /> Special Torn Meeting Water <br /> Article 8 This article pertains to the funding of the Consultant <br /> for the water- distribution system in the Ashumet Valley <br /> Area of Tri—Town circle and Horsehoe Bend Way . The . <br /> figure is set at $'71 , 770 . Joe Murphy noted that it <br /> would cost $31 , 650 to get to the point of construction <br /> and he was not sure if a betterment could be assessed <br /> on this amount , however , there would be no problem <br /> assessing the $40 , 000 for construction . Joe noted <br /> that when the tern does go into construction the <br /> length of the .borrowing will have no impact on the <br /> town . The impact will be on the people involved * <br /> Estimated construction costs are $300 , 000 . The town <br /> will have to -pay off the bond as the money comes in <br /> - from the betterments . This would be a revenue based <br /> bona and the tax revenue. of the town would not be used <br /> to pay this bond off . The Federal Government may <br /> contribute- money to this , but at this point it i <br /> uncertain . <br /> Jean was not certain if the $7 . , 770 engineering/ <br /> consultant fee could be added to the $300 , 00.0 for <br /> for- assessing betterment . There are 65 lots f <br /> involved in this project . <br /> There was some discussion as to whether the $7 . , 770 <br /> should be borrowed . .Jean stated that she would like <br /> to recommend to the Finance Committee borrowing the <br /> full .amount $71 , 770 contingent on preparation of the <br /> construction , <br /> Annual Town Meet * <br /> Vern stated that the Omnibus is $8 , 029154 , plus $234 , 298 <br /> for state and county assessment , $318 , 000 overlay ,, and. $ 0 , 000 <br /> for tax' title to collect unpaid taxes for a total. of $.896319452 . <br /> The amount ' of money mailable i $8 , 530 , 297 leaving a shortage <br /> of $101 , 155 . <br /> Joe Murphy said there was a possible announcement forthcoming <br /> o'n loss of revenue sharing . This would provide Mashpee 700- on <br /> the dollar rather than 100 . 1f this should prove true it would <br /> mean about. $30 , 000 for Mashpee . <br /> Joe also noted that they were depending on $350 , 000 that would <br /> not be mailable until July 1st . The "Tern s also counting on <br /> on the Motel excise tax and the Town hasn ' t even voted yet . <br /> It was recommended that Article #6 be put on hold . This <br /> was the article for the Traffic Light .- <br /> ight .. Tanis represents $30 , 000 <br /> and it was recommended it wait t till the Fall . The . ,bids will <br /> not -be in , so there is no sense in appropriating a sure of money .- <br />