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F Lnance Committee <br /> April 8 , 1986 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> for general supplies was determined by budgeting $30 per pupil . <br /> This year the school population increased 1 $15 , 957 , represents <br /> an increase of l for reading supplies . The reason for the <br /> large increase is the change to a new reading program . This new <br /> program also involves workbooks which will account for the large <br /> incrase in the textbook expense , $19 , 484 . Dr . Nicholoson also <br /> noted that each new student requires $100 in -books . Last year <br /> there were 60 new students in the system, and the town is facing <br /> another estimated 120 increase . The textbook expense represents <br /> an increase o E 224% over last year . <br /> The Library Media Specialist figure of $45 , 662 represents <br /> two people , the Librarian and a Library Assistant . The Librarian <br /> has been doing more and more work with computer programming and <br /> instructing programming and the Library Assistant is needed . <br /> The Library Aide Assistant salary is $9 , 557 ,-- this r .prese t- <br /> step plus increase . <br /> Transportation was the next item discussed . Dr . Nicholson <br /> stated that nine bus contracts are needed for the Middle School <br /> and five for the Nigh school . The current three-year co-n -rads <br /> are all coring up for renewal and the bids are - coming in hdig-h.. <br /> The current contracts are 85 - $llo per day and the new bids are <br /> around $1.35 per day . He also noted that a new bus will be required . <br /> When questioned relative to the lower gas prices and if this would <br /> have any effect on the contracts, Mr . Lyons noted that the contracts <br /> do have a de-escalation clause in case the gas prices remain or <br /> continue to lower . The contracts are in negotiations and the <br /> figure $283 , 900 could change , <br /> The ,urge increase in the athletic supplies expense is due <br /> to the need for cheerleader uniforms at a cost of $1 , 500. <br /> This supply figure is up 164% over the previous year . <br /> Maintenance of the building was discussed . Dr Nichols n <br /> stated that a half-time custodian was to be added . S2 , 000 was <br /> nee-ded for window replacement . Many of th-e double-paned winders <br /> have condensation and this would be the first year of a three-year <br /> replacement program . Also they are starting a roof maintenance <br /> program at a cost of $3 , 000 per year . <br /> Maintenance of equipment was set at $10 , 500 . Dr . Nicholson <br /> stated that most of the equipment is eight years old and requires <br /> repairs and maintenance. As the equipment gets elder= the cost of <br /> maintenance goes up -. - Also the truck at . the school is in reed o <br /> n engine overhaul at a cost o $1 , 000 . <br /> The next item discussed on the school budget was the <br /> $25 , 000 request for equipment . $10 , 000 of this figure was for <br /> the purchase of new desks and chairs . The school population is <br /> growing and there are not enough desks . This year some of the <br />