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Finance Committee <br /> April 15 , 1986 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> The- painting of the town buildings was. bid at $4 , 725 . 00 . This <br /> was the lowest bid' by far- and had originally been estimated at <br /> $79500 . The bi-ds for the Transfer station were much higher than <br /> anticipated . The bid came in at $63 , 350 . Mr . Murphy explained <br /> that there were two other- bids , however , they had arrived <br /> after the deadline and were not ac-cepted by the Selectmen . <br /> The orig-inal estimate of the Transfer station was $50 , 000 . <br /> Bids for t-he Harbormaster ' s motor cane in at $4 , 089 . The <br /> Harbormaster felt that this could be less and it was going out <br /> to bid again . <br /> The Finance Committee discussed the Transfer Station with <br /> Mr . Murphy . He explained that of the $63 , 5000 , $ 1 , 000 of this <br /> figure is for construction administration and preparation of <br /> a state-approved operating instruction manual. . It was agreed - <br /> that an appropriation of �$41 , 650 should he sought for the Ta-nsfer <br /> Station and after it is constructed s-e-ek the additional $21 , 000 <br /> for engineering costs . The $41,650 would be the funds to design <br /> the station , get all the permits , ir.eDare the specifications , <br /> o out to bid and then evaluate the bids-. <br /> The article next discussed was --the need for a Sealer of <br /> Weights and Measures . This is required by state stature . it <br /> has still not been decided what i .going ,to be done with this . <br /> There are several options open , including joining with Falmouth . <br /> This article will be deferred to the Fall . <br /> Joe brought to the attention of the Finance Committee the fact that <br /> the DPW lease was more than the anticipated $30 , 000 it was bid $34,000 <br /> a r, Over E ive--year period this would amount to. $170 , 000 for <br /> Y <br /> three vehicles . Chairman Blythe recommended that this article <br /> be scratched and hopefuliv in the Fall a truck could be purchased . <br /> The Finance Committee discussed the new School Building . <br /> The school building committee has selected Mr . Hisaka as the <br /> architect for the school . It was noted that Mr . Hisaka has newer <br /> done a municp l building before . The Finance Committee Secretary <br /> was instructed to call a joint meeting between the selectmen , <br /> Executive secretary , Finance Committee ? 'Town accountant and Town <br /> Treasurer and the School. Building Committee to discuss how the <br /> rchictectural fees and overall construction costs are to be <br /> financed . Fred expressed his belief that the $293 , 300 for <br /> architectural ,fees should be contingent ona !, override . <br /> and .Joe was of the opinion that the money should be borrowed . <br /> The joint t meeting was scheduled for Wednesday , April 23 , at 6 p . m. <br /> Murphy , mated that the total amount of the architectural contract <br /> is $328 , 900 , $352000 of this has already been appropriated . <br /> Murphy noted that there was one more option available and that was <br /> to have a one- rticie Special Town Meeting at the end of the <br /> Annual Town meeting . This would be considered at the joint <br /> meeting , <br />