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2/6/1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/6/1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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i <br /> 2/6/85 <br /> 17. $5000 to provide a survey and bounds for a parcel of land on Great Neck Road <br /> was requested by the Housing Authority. The town planner does not feel this <br /> is a suitable piece of property for -the authority. The committee did agree,- <br /> however, that the survey should be dome and unanimously-= approved the request <br /> for $5000. <br /> 18. Request to change Grade 15 to Grade 20 for the Health Agent. The Personnel <br /> Board recommended Grade 18, Step 2 for a weekly salary of $352.83. The committee <br /> unanimously approved the Personnel Board's recommendation. The article did <br /> not address the "Step", but only the change in grade. <br /> 19. Create a new full time poisition of Assistant Health Agent. The -Personnel <br /> Board did not -recommend the article, but suggested indefinite postponement. <br /> The committee voted unanimously to recommend postponing the article. <br /> 20. $9,000 reque ied to implement housing numbering. A considerable amount of <br /> money was voted for the numbering system recently but has some flaws. This <br /> amount will rectify the situation. once there are 6000 residents, you must <br /> o into precincts -and houses must be numbered according to state regulations. <br /> Jane Lahute, Town Clerk, felt the town engineer should look at the plan and <br /> will prob-ably defer the article until the annual meeting. The committee <br /> unanimously voted to postpone the article. <br /> 21. $705 to purchase a typewriter for the Board of Elections and Registrations. <br /> The committee unanimously voted to approve the article. <br /> 22. $2,84 .60 to pay unpaid bills of the previous year. The committee unanimous <br /> voted to recommend the article. <br /> 23. $650 to purchase a typewriter for the Planning Department. The committee <br /> will hold. their vote until the meeting - they feel -there are sufficient <br /> funds in the Planning Department's expense account to purchase the typewriter <br /> and office furniture requested in article 24. <br /> 24. See article 23. <br /> 25,E $5,000 to the Dept. of Public work Building Maintenance Account. The committee <br /> wild. vote on this article on February 11 after Mr. Blythe receives more information <br /> from Mr. Virgilio. <br /> 26. $517 to the Personnel Board Expense Account to purchase Police Sergeant written <br /> exams. The committee unanimously voted to approve the article. <br /> request was received from Ernest Virgilio to transfer $10,000 from the Reserve <br /> Account to the Snow and Ice Account, which has a balance of $2040. The committee <br /> approved deficit spending until the total amount needed is known. <br /> The committee reorganized and voted on the following - Federic Blythe, Chairman-, <br /> Louis Hronel , vice Chairman; and Elizabeth Terry, Clerk. <br /> The committee will meet on February 12 at 6 p.m. to review budgets, and will <br /> meet each Noonday and Tuesday in February to review and approve department budgets. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. <br /> Joyce Howell, Secretary <br />
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