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<br /> Finance Committee Minutes
<br /> February 25, 1985
<br /> Present: Frederic Blythe, Jane Peterson, Arris McKinley, Elizabeth Terry and David Roddy.
<br /> Absent: Lou Hronek and William Towner
<br /> The Committee met with Ernest Virgilio to discuss the Public Works and Tree Warden budgets.
<br /> Building Maintenance - $33,000 requested, $25,000 unanimously .rec mm nded. This amount
<br /> included $10,000 for the Town lull for plumbing, electric, painting, air, heat, windows,
<br /> etc. An article will be inserted in the warrant for a new heating system; if the article
<br /> passes this account could be reduced. The Senior Center Building $ coo Fire Station
<br /> $3500) and Library $3000) require painting, repairs, railings, etc. The neer DPW
<br /> building was estimated $1500 - problems unknown. The Police station will require painting,
<br /> windows, bars (plexiglass on cells) , air conditioner, oven repairs, etc. for a total
<br /> of $5000. The Indian Museum will require general repairs in the amount of $2000.
<br /> Grounds Maintenance - $23,650 requested, $10,000 unanimously recommended. This account
<br /> includes maintenance on all town ownedgrounds such as Senior Citizen's Walking Course,
<br /> John's Pond Beach, Attaquin Park Beach, South Cape Beach, Town Hall, etc. Maintenanc ---
<br /> will include grading, trimming, barriers, sand, reds, lines, lif uard chairs, picnic
<br /> tables, berms, paring, loam, etc. Attaquin Park Beach was estimated at $4000 which
<br /> will be reduced if the beach is leased to the Tribal Council.
<br /> Expense - $71,000 requested, $55,000 unanimously recommended. The account was broken
<br /> down as fellows : Gas and oil $15,000, Clothing $5000 (which includes a maximum of $125
<br /> per person for 2 pairs of shoes) , Tools and Supplies $10,000, Equipment Maintenance
<br /> Repair $15,000, office Supplies $5,000 includes copier contract and toner, ffice -.,--
<br /> u► plies and-new office equipment) , Phone & Alarm $3000 hone and alarm to olive station,
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<br /> and finish alarm wiring) , Dues, Meeting, License Certificates for new equipment operations
<br /> $1,000, Electric and Heat $12,000 (heat an unknown amount) , Tins $. ,coo, and $2000
<br /> for Miscellaneous.
<br /> Maintenance and Small Construction - $174,000 requested, $109,000 unanimously recommended.
<br /> This account includes the following: Asphalt to repave appoximately 2 miles of roadway
<br /> $35,000, Equipment Rental $10,000, Supplies $5000, Subcontractors for general construction
<br /> $30,000, SAnd & Gravel $10,000, Bituminous & Stone Sealing to stone seal 4 miles of
<br /> roadway $30,000, Police Details $4000, Signs for roadway ,parks, beaches, etc. $3500,
<br /> 15' Catch Basins $. 750, Guard Rails (appx 1000 feet) $5,000, 25 Frames & Grates $6,250,
<br /> Line painting (500,000 linear fact) $25,000, Trash Control $500, Roadside Development
<br /> appx 10 miles) $5000, and $loo for Roadway Safety.
<br /> Snow and Ice - $86,500 requested, $70,000 unanimously recommended.
<br /> 1
<br /> Director's Salary $26,430.57 requested and unanimously recommended.
<br /> DPW Men's Salary - $209,911.80 requested and unanimously recommended.
<br /> orkmen Wage - $205000 requested and unanimously recommended.
<br /> Clerk Salary - $13,514.55 requested and unanimously recommended.
<br /> Total budget request $658,006.92; $538,856.92 unanimously recommended.
<br />