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r;l <br /> TO n Ala,5bprp 0Ltn i4all <br /> fay .amass. 112649 <br /> INANCE COMMITTEE <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> March 4, 1985 <br /> Present: Frederic Blythe, Lou Hronek, Avis McKinley, David Roddy and Elizabeth Terry <br /> Absent: Jane Peterson and William Towner <br /> Police Chief, Curtis Frye, attended the meeting and reviewed the Police Department <br /> budget. <br /> The police study recommended hiring two additional police officers. If the article passes <br /> for these two additional officers, Police Wage account should be reduced. one of <br /> the vehicles would not be turned in this yearxso a new vehicle would not be needed <br /> for the additional men. Formally, a car is turned in when a new cruiser is purchased. <br /> The police chief will submit an article to hire an architect to draw up plans for <br /> an addition to the police station for approximately $4,000 - $5,000. The addition <br /> to include a large squad room, rest rooms and office space - estimated cost $40,000 <br /> to $50,000. <br /> Another article will request funds to reconstruct the radio system, and one to e- tallish <br /> a new position as administrative assistant and to abolish the old position. <br /> The budget was approved unanimously as submitted - <br /> Chief's salary - $34,508.32 % plus longevity) <br /> Deputy Chief's Salary - $30,485.43 0% plus longevity) <br /> Police officers Salary $381,315.11 (includes - new officers) <br /> Police Wages - $110,239.58. This acccount is down $30,000 due to the addition of <br /> new officers and the reduction of vacation buy back. <br /> Maintenance Salary - $15,670.00 (contract under the Highway Department) . <br /> . <br /> Clerk's salary - $49,536.55 (includes steps <br /> Police Expense - $91,567.81. This account includes the purchase of Annotated Daws <br /> of Masssachusetts (department docs not have copies of Mass laws) , office supplies <br /> which are no longer furnished by Central Purchasing, and_ the introduction of a Safety <br /> officer. used in the school ,and Crime Prevention Officer. <br /> Cruisers - $32,708.00 for the purchase of 3 new vehicles. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. <br /> Joyce Howell, secretary <br />