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� # Tobin Iflagbpep <br /> ?YY • Cilown i4alt <br /> ANCE COMMfTTEEi <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> April 8, 1985 <br /> Present: Frederic Blythe, Avis McKinley, .lane Peterson, Louis Hr n k, Avis McKinley, <br /> Elizabeth Terry and William Towner <br /> Absent: David Roddy <br /> Town Accountant, Vern Polka, Executive secretary Joseph Murphy, and Board of selectman, <br /> Jean Thomas and Will Hansen were also present to discuss the special Town Meeting <br /> warrant. <br /> Mrs. Polka advised that the Council on Aging had not changed the Director's salary <br /> to include a 53rd week. The Finance Committee secretary was instructed to write <br /> to the Council stating that The Finm took it upon themselves to change the salary <br /> to the correct amount .as it would hot be possible to change it at the town meeting. <br /> The Beard of SEle tm n will vete at their meeting on April 10 whether to include <br /> a x mptien s n the ballot for the May 11 election. They will also vote whether <br /> to remove articles from the warrant they feel cannot be funded, or to print the <br /> articles and not recommend them due to lack of funds . <br /> The articles were discussed as follows : <br /> 1. $5000 to the Advertising Account. Mr. Murphy felt the funds should be transferred. <br /> from s l otmens Clerical Salary Account $4000, and $1000 from Interest on Temporary <br /> Loans. The funds will be used to public town meetings, zoning articles, etc. <br /> . $35,000 to the Legal and Engineering Account. Funds are needed for negotiations, <br /> arbitration, Mr. Atchinson case, McDonald case, land claim (town forest) , appraisal <br /> fees, town counsel, etc. Mr. Murphy suggested funds be transferred from several <br /> accounts - Employees Medical, Torn Hall Maintenance Salary, interest on Temporary <br /> Loans, and Assistant Inspectors Salary Account. <br /> 3. $4000 to the Board Secretary gage Account - to be transferred from RElectmens <br /> Clerical Salary Account. <br /> . $1000 to the Museum Expense Account - to be transferred from Interest on Temporary <br /> Loans Account. Funds are needed due to problems with electrical and heating systems. <br /> 5. $5000 for Central services Account - from Interest on TEmporary Loans A e unt. <br /> Mr. Murphy had also requested a transfer of $3000 from the Reserve Fund for this <br /> account. Mr. Murphy explained that mail from a particular department was quite <br /> heavy, copy machine expense has increased due to heavy usage, were some of reasons <br /> why fronds:. were needed for this account. Postage and copy machine usage will be <br /> moni <br /> 't red to determine cost per department. <br /> The Finance Committee unanimously agreed to transfer $2500 from the Reserve Fund <br /> to the Central Services Account. <br /> i <br />