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ARO t12 54 9 <br /> NCE I ITTE <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> February 8,,, 1984 <br /> All members of the cor qmittee with the 'exception of David Roddy were <br /> present . John Ferguson and. Judy Howell Capital Im rovement Committee , <br /> and Vern Polka', accountant , were also present . <br /> Ernest Virgilio ,. Highway Superintendent , -was invited to j-oin the meeting <br /> to discuss i-s long range equipment needs . His - - - 5 request is for a <br /> Meavy duty diesel dump truck valued at $65 ;000 . T.Lwo 1975 Ford dump trucks <br /> will be traded - a. proxir ate value of each '$10 ,000 . In 85/86 a. small. <br /> G . dump -truck will be traded (approximate value- $8000) for a. medium <br /> size heavy dutv diesel dump truck for approximate value of $25 , 000 . 6 <br /> Mr. Virgilio felt the piece of equipment requested this year could be <br /> used- year around for plowing, sanding, moving gel ris , etc. The truci <br /> will be put out to bid. The co mm ittee agreed this equipment was necessary. <br /> Charles Lawrence and Charles Buckinghdm of the Board . of Health spoke <br /> of their request of $30 , 000 for the landfill . Some' time ago 60 acres <br /> were assigned for the 'landfill , but in 1978 the DEQE changed the acreage <br /> to 16 - . 20 acres . The $30 , 000 will be used for an engineering study , <br /> $10 ,000 - over a three year period. The Finance Committee approved '1230 ,000 <br /> overall - $210 , 00.0 .this year and the balance the followi <br />