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2/10/2017 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/10/2017 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Ms. Bradshaw stated that the Finance Committee should be well pleased with the financial <br /> oversight and the transparency of the School Committee. The School Committee finance <br /> packet is ernalled to 40 individuals each month. Anyone interested in receiving this packet is <br /> included in the mailing list, including the press. Within the packet are 40 pages of reports on <br /> financial activities, with two detailed line-item budgets: one in MUNIS, the accounting system <br /> that the town uses, and one using an Excel spread sheet, a format the School Committee finds <br /> easier to use. There are 200 line items reported each month. The budget is also posted on the <br /> website. <br /> Ms. Bradshaw stated that every financial transaction that takes place by the School Committee <br /> is reviewed and processed by Town Counsel. Three School Committee members sign off on <br /> all bills before being paid. At the end of every fiscal year, all School districts in the state are <br /> required to submit an end of year pupil and financial report. The report accounts for every <br /> single dollar that is expended. The report is audited trice. <br /> Nis. Bradshaw stated that Glen Moocher, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association <br /> of,School Com mittees, was invited last August to conduct a workshop with the School <br /> Committee. At the workshop there was discussion of how the budget was prepared and how <br /> the process was shared. Mr. Moocher reported that "The I lashpee school Committee is above <br /> all transparent, and is among the highest performing school committees in the State. Richard <br /> Bailey and Kathy Stanley, chairman and Vice chairman of the School Committee, were <br /> awarded our Division Achievement Awards by the Massachusetts Association of School <br /> Committees. Christopher Avis asked Ms. Bradshaw to elaborate on what was meant by <br /> "highest performing" school committee. Ms. Bradshaw replied that it covered their involvement <br /> in the schools, their energy, their interest and the way that they take their responsibilities. <br /> Ms. Bradshaw outlined the abbreviated School Committee budget development process: <br /> Nov. 2 —budget numbers to Town Manager and discussion with School Committee <br /> Dec. 30— line item budget available for public review <br /> Jan.7 - budget summary published in the Mashpee Enterprise <br /> Jan 19 public hearing <br /> Feb 2 - School Committee voted the budget <br /> May 2 - Town Meeting in May <br /> . Bradshaw stated that the School Committee budget request to the Town for FY 2012 is for <br /> a maintenance budget that allows the school to keep the staff and the programming currently in <br /> place, but does not provide for any new positions or new programs. The number the School <br /> Committee is asking the Town Meeting to approve is $18,887,708.00, the amount that is <br /> heeded to maintain what the School has. The calculated amount that the school actually needs <br /> is $19,200,0 00, but the school has $386,302 in offsets that it can apply to the budget. The <br /> money cane to the school,in late fall 2010 as part of a federal stimulus package and the School <br /> Committee had the option t use it this year or apply it to the 2012 budget. In the offset <br /> category there is also $80,QPO in circuit breaker funds (special education reimbursements). <br /> The $18,887,708 represents an increase of 3.4% over last year's budget. <br /> Ms. Bradshaw mentioned the variables yet to be determined, including circuit breaker funds, <br /> out-of-district tuition, a possible increase in funds from chapter 70, the Special Education <br /> transportation contract going out to bid, and possible prepays at the end of the year. <br /> 2 <br />
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