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.......... <br /> W, <br /> A <br /> 6 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> Telephone - (508) 539-1400 <br /> MASEPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting—June 16, 2016 <br /> The Town of Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order in the Archives 10:15 am by <br /> Nancy Soderberg,Chairperson. <br /> Commissioners Present: Ava Costello,Brian Hyde,Frank Lord,Rosemary Bums Love and Nancy <br /> Soderberg. <br /> Commissioners not Present: Gordon Peters and Joan Tavares-Avant. <br /> Guests in attendance: Stephen Curley,Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Archivist,John Cotton, Selectman. <br /> Minutes of the March 29,2016 meeting were approved as presented. <br /> Frank Lord gave a summary of this year's Schoolhouse Tours which were scheduled for May and June <br /> this year fro Mashpee's 31 grade students. Frank reported on the difficulty of having two classes of <br /> approximately 40 students come at one time. In past years,he has enjoyed conducting the tours of the <br /> schoolhouse to one class at a time which was split into two groups. One group with teacher or volunteer <br /> go up to the Indian Museum,and Frank talks to the other group of 10 or more, and then they switch after <br /> 20 minutes. Having a very large group makes it almost impossible to have them in the schoolhouse at <br /> one time. He is going to try to work out a plan for next year which may include some of the classes <br /> coming in the fall,and the remaining classes coming in the spring. <br /> He has other tours already scheduled for days during the summer months. A group of women from the <br /> Baptist Church took a tour,and there are plans for the children in the Summer Recreation program to <br /> come for tours during the summer months too. <br /> We then began a very long discussion of the,MOU which was presented by Stephen Curley who is a tribal <br /> curator working for the Mashpee Warnpanoag Tribal Council,the purpose of which is for the Mashpee <br /> Archives to share our photos with the Tribe. They want to be able to digitize all photos of Mashpoe's <br /> history that we have in our files and records. Brian suggested that perhaps the MOU could be presented <br /> in simpler terms. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm. The next' meeting date to discuss the MOU is Wednesday,July <br /> 13'at 10:00am. The next meeting of the Mashpee Historical Commission is scheduled for Thursday, <br /> July 14'at 10:00am, <br />