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with other responsibilities at hand. Mr. Marcelli suggested that two way corn cations by email <br /> should assist in alleviating the challenges of the program once it becomes a routine. <br /> Mshpee River Update <br /> M . Mason indicated that navigation needs to be improved and suggested that it might be time to allow <br /> the voters to decide what needs to be done. Mr. Theis discussed the benefits of expanding marshes as <br /> it relates to filtration. Mr. Baker added those 20 years ago,the original complaints involved the <br /> cloudiness of the river and muck building up on the bottom, which could relate to wastewater issues. <br /> Additionally,marshland has been dissolving into the river clue to winter damage and the river has <br /> begun to slow,resulting in bacterial closures. Floating algae mats float to the surface of the marsh <br /> during high tide and settle on top of the grass during low tide. The mats smother the grass. Likewise, <br /> waterfowl have access to the marsh, feeding on the grasses. Mr. Baker noted that raising the lip of the <br /> marsh peak tides would create a barrier to the algae-mats and provide a perpendicular edge to keep the <br /> waterfowl off of the marsh. Mr. Baker also discussed work that could be done to improve and build up <br /> the marshlands and cited ars example at Harwich Herring River where coconut husk biodegradable coir <br /> logs were utilized to improve the conditions'of the river. Mr. Baker wishes to deal with the basic <br /> problem's such as the shallowness and cloudiness of the river and the deterioration of the marsh and <br /> believes that many problems could be resolved by restoring the marsh along with additional <br /> improvements. De-nitrification occurs when the water travels through the root zone of the mph <br /> plants. Mr. Baker also stated that the original Popponessett Bay study noted two water sources that <br /> enter the bay, Mashpee River and Santuit liver,both of which have marsh structures. The results o <br /> the study concluded that the lrlashpee River shows zero attenuation of the nutrients corning into the <br /> estuary whereas 30%attenuation occurred with the Santuit River which features a marsh in good <br /> condition. Mr. Baker proposes that the new waterways Con fission consider the project as a marsh <br /> restoration program rather than a dredging project. Ms. Mason confirmed that Chairman Myers wishes <br /> to develop a new approach to the issue and suggested coordinating a meeting with the waterways <br /> Commission. <br /> Santuit Pond RFP <br /> Ms. Mason will be meeting next Thursday at 1 pm to finalize the contract tens nth ENSR. Ms. <br /> Mason indicated that a kick off meeting should be scheduled to discuss the parameters of the study and <br /> ensure that everything is in order before the work begins. Mr. Baker added that it was originally <br /> discussed that a public meeting would be scheduled at a time when seasonal residents would have <br /> returned to town. Ms. Mason stated that Michael Ball and Mr. Kennedy, a water sampling specialist, <br /> would be working on the project and meeting with her next week. Ms. Mason confirmed that she is <br /> working with the revised budget of$58,825,which was appropriated at Town Meeting, and asked if <br /> the Corittee felt that the budget amount and tasks requested were appropriate. It was stated that the <br /> original amount was$51,500,but then the vet weather sampling and cranberry bog sampling were <br /> added. Torn Cambareri has seat an email seeking volunteers to assist with the Santuit Fond cranberry <br /> bogs. A discussion ensued regarding the ability to sample cranberry bog discharge. W. Matson from <br /> the DEP has been involved with an effort to sample cranberry bog discharge throughout Cape Cod. <br /> John Rabat and George Schmidt, from Friends of Santuit Pond,will be monitoring the bogs on a dal"ly <br /> basis. Ms. Mason provided Mr. Schmidt with Mr. M tson's contact information so that he can be <br /> contacted as soon as evidence of discharge occurs. The process by which bogs are flooded and the <br /> reasons for flooding were discussed in an effort to inform Mr. Schmidt about what to look for when the <br /> bogs are preparing to discharge. A propane driven engine pump assists in flooding the bogs and once <br /> flooded,the bogs are typically drained within24 hours. Mr. Schmidt was advised to contact Mr. <br /> Matson as soon as he suspects that something is happening to allow enough time for a srnpling tarn <br /> 3 <br />