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recommended avoiding extensive use of technical terms, staying within the current 56 page <br /> framework and providing contact information, such as websites, for anyone interested in more <br /> details. <br /> The Cham'also added the importance of making the publication available online as soon as <br /> possible as the first avenue of distribution,and possibly while still in the editing process. A final <br /> decision has not yet been received concerning the request for a$30,000 grant from the Textron <br /> Funds to assist with to costs of the book. In September,Ms. Kane plans to schedule a meeting <br /> with 14arwich Technical School to learn more about specific details such as the necessary format <br /> of the document and the cost of producing the book. IVs. Kane noted that the cost to produce the <br /> Orleans boob was$2.00 each, and does not include the cost of mailing the book. Ms. Kane also <br /> emphasized the u* nportance of making the guide available to every household in town. Ms. Kane <br /> expressed interest in moving forward with the project, and is seeking input from Environmental <br /> Coalition volunteers and others. Ms. waygan inquired about using Ms. Kane's earlier primers <br /> and she responded she to incorporate some of the information. Ibis. Kane suggested <br /> that any tale used for the Mashpee Blue Book and that the Cottee should consider <br /> seeking feedback from the Chamber of Commerce or from the schools. The Chair will contact <br /> 'ed Theis who volunteered to speak with Chamber members about the possibility of naming the <br /> book. The Chair expressed some concern about lag fime if the Chamber naimes the book too far <br /> in advance of the final product. It was suggested that the cover photo depict an linage of the <br /> Mashpee River or student artwork. The Chair announced that the School Committee has not yet <br /> made any appointments but that more information would be available within the next two weeks. <br /> Ralph Marcelli had been a strong supporter of encouraging the schools' 'involvement in the Blue <br /> Book and the Chair noted that could include the high school environment group,students <br /> completing their senior projects and younger artistic.students. <br /> Ms. Kane anticipates working first on Chapters l., 7, 8 and 9 and the Shellfish Chapter since they <br /> ill require the most work. 1s. Kane plans to work chapter by chapter, sharing each chapter <br /> electronically to solicit feedback. The Committee discussed a timeline for the electronic version <br /> and agreed that in consideration of the school and Town Meeting calendar,October 2010 may <br /> be a realistic timeframe. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1s. waygan referenced the Town wide Storwater Management Plan from the Action Items <br /> and noted that the last tiro Planning Board meetings included discussion with Charles Rowley <br /> regarding incorporating low Impact development standards into Planning Board documents, such <br /> as the Sub-Division Regulations. Mr. Baker expressed concern about the lack of Road <br /> Specifications that apply to the update and repair of town roads or private roads taken over by <br /> the town. The Chair responded that Catherine Laurent and Mr. Rowley were working toward <br /> creating uniformity between Planning Board Specifications and Town Specifications for town <br /> and roads. Ir. Baker also expressed concern about the Best Management Practices for <br /> stormwater control,and the continued use of cisterns such as the Lantern Lane project. Ms. <br /> ane expressed fnztration regarding the time it has taken to come to an agreement about the <br /> Specifications. The Chi will follow up to cow that an agreement has been reached about <br /> the Town Specifications. <br />