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J'.Alashpec. <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> h yo Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> Telephone - (508) 539-1438 <br /> MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting — October 18, 2017 <br /> The Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order by Ava Costello, Chair, at <br /> 4:35 pm. <br /> Commissioners Present: Ava Costello, Brian Hyde, Rosemary Burns Love, and Nancy <br /> Soderberg. <br /> Commissioners not Present: Gordon Peters, Joan Tavares-Avant <br /> Guests in Attendance: Richard P. DeSorgher <br /> Brian Hyde made a motion that we approve the Minutes from our September 21st Meeting, and <br /> it was seconded by Rosemary Burns Love. <br /> Reports: Ann purchased the Walker Display System components necessary to begin the <br /> process of hanging up maps and historical Mashpee pictures in the Archives. The cost was <br /> $369.60 for the initial order. The picture-hanging system must be assembled before it can be <br /> used. Richard DeSorgher said he was very familiar with it, and would volunteer some time to <br /> assist with getting it together for us. <br /> Rosemary has located the Joanne Ferragamo extensive research files on the Mashpee River. <br /> She had hoped to have some time to go through them. Specifically, she was looking for a <br /> reference for the William Dunlap Sargent, A Biological Survey of the Mashpee River, rare <br /> book that we have in our collection. Nancy had previously gone through the files, and she was <br /> not able to find any reference as to how we acquired it. <br /> Ava is continuing to work on the Signage Project. She meets at least once a week with Earl <br /> Mills, Chairman of the Historic District Commission, and others are invited to attend. She is <br /> beginning to use the Barnstable Registry of Deeds website to find records of historical <br /> properties. <br /> Rosemary mentioned the "Farley Diary" that Joanne had tried to locate in the late 1990s. At the <br /> time of the Farley Fishing Camp, owned by John Wells Farley(nicknamed Mike)there were <br /> records/diaries being kept of fish species and fishing locations by other naturalist groups. <br /> Ava has submitted preliminary figures to the Town Accountant, Dawn Thayer, for our 2019 <br /> budget. Ava is scheduled to meet with the Town Manager to discuss the monies requested on <br /> October 251h <br />